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BIO 511: Genetics

Mdm Ernie Eileen Rizlan Ross

Contact no: 013-3372079
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to:

• Explain the principle of classical and extension of Mendelian genetics based on the theory of
• Describe how some phenotypes are influenced by the number of chromosomes, genes on
the sex chromosomes and the variations in chromosome structure.
• Use results of genetic crosses to construct genetic maps and evaluate the significance of
genetic crosses deviations using chi-square analysis, binomial expansion and probability.
• Discuss the current applications of genetic engineering and its related ethical issues.
• Identify factors involved in changing allelic frequencies in populations and calculate allelic
frequencies using Hardy – Weinberg equilibrium.
• Lab reports 10%
• Quizes 10%
• Test 1 10% 50%
• Test 2 10%
• Test 3 10%
• Final Exam 50%
Recommended textbook
• McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 1 edition (January 21,
2011), Concepts of Genetics, 1st, McGraw-Hill, 2011, ISBN: 978-

• Entrance survey
• Student Biodata – to be submitted by the end of 2nd week
of lecture
Lesson Plan
Week Chapter Topic Assessment
1 1 : Basic Concepts of Genetics • Introduction
• Historical concepts of Genetics
• DNA, RNA, Structure of nucleic acids
Cuti Hari Raya Aidil-adha
2 1 : Basic Concepts of Genetics • Genetic Code and RNA Triplets Quiz 1
• Evidence that DNA is the Genetic Material
3 2 : Investigative Approach to • Classical Investigative, Cytogenetics, Molecular
Genetics Genetic Analysis & Population Genetics
4 3 : Genetics & Society • Genetics & Society I – Special Techniques in Test 1
Genetics that Contribute to Society
• Genetics & Society II– Eugenics & Euphenics,
Genetics Advances in Medicine & Agriculture,
Ethics in Genetics
Lesson Plan
Week Chapter Topic Assessment
5 4 : Cell Division & Chromosome • Homologous Chromosomes in Diploid
• Mendelian genetics I: Law of Segregation
• Mendelian Genetics II: Law of Independent
6 4 : Cell Division & Chromosome • Application of Mendelian Principles: Part I
• Application of Mendelian Principles: Part II
7 5 : Extension of Mendelian • Modification of Mendelian Ratio I: Multiple Alleles Quiz 2
Inheritance & Modification of Dominance Relationships
• Modification of Mendelian Ratio II:
• Part I - Lethal Mutations
8 5 : Extension of Mendelian • Part II -Epistasis (Gene Interaction)
6 : Sex Determination and Sex • Sex Determination in Human Beings, Drosophila
Linkage and Other Animals, Sex Chromosome & Sex-
Linked Genes
Lesson Plan
Week Chapter Topic Assessment
9 6 : Sex Determination and Sex • Dosage Compensation of x-linked genes Test 2
10 7 : Human pedigree • Pedigree Analysis in Human Genetics
8 : Chromosomal Basis of • Variation in Chromosome Structure
Inheritance • Variation in Chromosome Number
11 9 : Linkage, Crossing Over & • Linkage, Crossing Over & Genetic Mapping in
Genetic Mapping Eukaryotes
Semester break
12 9 : Linkage, Crossing Over & • Linkage, Crossing Over & Genetic Mapping in
Genetic Mapping Prokaryotes
13 10 : Population Genetics • Population Genetics I – Population and Gene
pools, calculation of Allele Frequencies, Hardy
Weinberg Law
14 10 : Population Genetics • Population Genetics II - Application of the Hardy Test 3
Weinberg Law

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