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“Let the adventure begin.

Liezel Joy Galolo

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality
The best place to go if you want to escape the tropical heat

in the lowlands is Baguio, also known as the Summer Capital of

the Philippines. The city rarely experiences temperatures higher

than 26°C even during the warmest times of the year, with typical

temperatures ranging from 15 to 23°C. Baguio is also home to

lovely plants that wouldn't often survive elsewhere in the country

due to its climate. You'll be in for a treat with all the lovely flowers

and lush flora as you enter the area, which is also known as the

City of Pines. You'll genuinely feel as though you're stepping into

an other universe. See & Do There is much more to do here

besides just cooling off and experiencing the cold climate.

Formerly called “Luneta” from the French word Lunette which means a

cresent-shaped fort, it was the site of “La Calzada”, the social hub of

Manila’s elite. It was also used by the Spaniards as an execution ground

for rebels and activist. Dr. Jose Rizal was executed in Rizal Park on

December 30, 1896. During the American period, a monument of Dr. Jose

Rizal was built. In 1913, Luneta Park was changed to “Rizal Park”.

The park remains a flagship of freedom and courage as numerous

political rallies, oath takings, and national events are held within the park.

When historic events are not taking the limelight, everyday activities keep

it alive and bustling: joggers at dawn, afternoon concert, lovers strolling

at sunset, family picnics on weekends, and many more. Everyday people

come, people go. With their memories and monuments, Rizal Park will be

kept alive and going for centuries to come."

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