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Opening Prayer

Almighty Father, we praise and

thank you for the opportunity
to learn today from our
facilitator and from one
another. Help us to focus our
hearts and minds on what we
are about to learn in this
Inspire us by your Holy Spirit so that
we may understand the lessons and
see its practical application in our
everyday activities.

Guide us by your eternal light as we

discover more truths about the
world around us. We ask this
through the intercession of St.
Thomas Aquinas, Amen.
Ethics in Research
Prepared by: Sir Jacob Floresca
Strive for honesty in all scientific
communications. Honestly
presenting report data, results,
methods and procedures, and
publication status. Do not fabricate,
falsify, or misrepresent data. Do not
deceive colleagues, research
sponsors, or the public.
Strive to avoid bias in
experimental design, data
analysis, data interpretation,
peer review, personnel
decisions, grant writing, expert
testimony, and other aspects
of research where objectivity is
expected or required. Disclose
personal or financial interests
that may affect research.
Keep your promises
and agreements; act
with sincerity; strive
for consistency of
thought and action.

Avoid careless errors and
negligence; carefully and
critically examine your own
work and the work of your
peers. Keep good records
of research activities.
Share data, results, ideas,
tools, resources. Be open to
criticism and new ideas.
respect for
Honor patents, copyrights, and other
forms of intellectual property. Do not
use unpublished data, methods, or
results without permission. Give proper
acknowledgement or credit for all
contributions to research. Never
Protect confidential communications, such
as papers or grants submitted for
publication, personnel records.
Publish in order to
advance research and
scholarship, not to
advance just your own
career. Avoid wasteful
and duplicative
Seek to be educated, mentored, and
Respect your
colleagues and treat
them fairly.
respect for
social responsibility
Strive to promote social good and prevent or mitigate social
harms through research, public education, and advocacy.
Avoid discrimination against
colleagues or students on the
basis of sex, race, ethnicity, or
other factors not related to
scientific competence and
Maintain and improve your
own professional competence
and expertise through lifelong
education and learning.
A researcher must know and
obey relevant laws, and
institutional and
government policies.
Show proper respect and
care for animals when
using them in research. Do
not conduct unnecessary
or poorly designed animal
human subject
When conducting research on human
subjects, minimize harms and risks and
maximize benefits; respect human
dignity, privacy, and autonomy; take
special precautions with vulnerable
populations; and strive to distribute the
benefits and burdens of research fairly.
What should be
done and what
should not be
done in research?
Skit Performance
With your research groups, plan and prepare a skit about their assigned ethics in
research. Show how your assigned topic is done in research. You will be given 15
minutes to prepare and 3 minutes to execute the skit.

Content, Story – 10pts.
Acting, Voice – 10 pts.
Time Limit – 5 pts.
Total: 25 pts.
First Quiz Next
Enjoy Research! #YourMentalHealthMatters!

City University of Hong Kong. (2021). Research Guides: Research Methods: Ethics in Research.
Run Run Shaw Library | City University of Hong Kong.
Cristobal, A. P. & Cristobal, M. C. D. (2017). Practical research for senior high school 1. C & E
Publishing Inc., p. 4 – 19
The Dominican Blessing
May God the Father bless us.
May God the Son heal us.
May God the Holy Spirit enlighten us,
and give us eyes to see with,
ears to hear with,
hands to do the work of God with,
feet to walk with,
a mouth to preach the word of salvation with,
and the angel of peace to watch over us and lead
us at last,
by our Lord's gift, to the Kingdom.

St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.

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