Como Afrontar Con Éxito Una Entrevista en Inglés

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Como afrontar con xito una entrevista en ingls

What is an interview?

Preparing for the interview - Pre Research - Interview Objectives - Personal presentation The interview (before / during / after) Getting by the Phone Screen Questions - Responding - Asking Language tests: BULATS / TOEIC / TOEFL


Preparing for the interview

What do you understand by preparing? How do you prepare?

What do you put into your toolbox?

Preparing for the interview

What job do you want? What are your professional objectives? Salary limits Professional career


Type of company Activity Job offers

But most important

Contact person When do they hire?

What can you offer?

Preparing for the interview

How to do Research Personal Presentation Tips Creating Your Interview Objectives

Preparing for the interview

WHY DO RESEARCH BEFORE YOUR INTERVIEW? to more demonstrate your enthusiasm for the career field and the organization. to be able to articulate how your skills, knowledge and values match those of the organization and industry. can determine if this is an organization to which you would want to devote the next few years of your work life.

Preparing for the interview

Dressing for the occasion:

What to wear

Solid color, conservative suit Coordinated blouse Moderate shoes Limited jewelry Neat, professional hairstyle Tan or light hosiery Sparse make-up & perfume Manicured nails Portfolio or briefcase

Solid color, conservative suit White long sleeve shirt Conservative tie Dark socks, professional shoes Very limited jewelry Neat, professional hairstyle Go easy on the aftershave Neatly trimmed nails Portfolio or briefcase

Your Interview Objectives

Clearly express your talents and expertise. Present yourself in the best possible light. Creates a positive impression. Finds out more about the job and organization and decides whether or not it is a 'good fit'. Meet future managers and colleagues. Succeed in gaining a job offer or further interview.

Your Interview Objectives

An interview is a two-way process.
keep in mind that you seek a job that meets

most of: - your interests and requirements. - allows for growth - provides the environment in which you will be productive.


Before During After

It is necessary to be well prepared for the job interview. Having the answer ready, being properly dressed, and being on time can all help to make a good impression on the interviewer.

5 Things You Must Do Before a Job Interview

1 Look at the job posting: what does it require? Think of examples
that demonstrate your skills. 2 TODAY stands for Teamwork, Overcoming Obstacles, Duties of your past positions, Achievements, Your strengths and weaknesses. Remember to clearly describe exactly what you did in each situation. 3 Research the company: internet, press releases etc Know what they do

5 Things You Must Do Before a Job Interview

4 Think of at least five questions to ask the interviewer. What are you curious about? Do they manufacture a product you are familiar with, or never even knew existed before you started to research the company? Where does this department fit in the grand scheme of the company? What projects is the department currently working on? 5 Lastly, prepare answers to the following questions: Tell me about yourself, Why did you leave your last position, or why are you looking for a new job, Why should I hire you, and The Salary Question. You know that these questions will be asked in one form or another, so there is no excuse to not have prepared an answer.

During the Interview

First Impressions Body Language - Don't cross your arms - Maintain good eye contact and smile - Don't point or have flamboyant arm movements - Try to mirror the body position of the interviewer - Shake hands firmly, but don't break any bones! Answering their questions Ask questions Ask about the process. Time / 2nd interview

Out of the Box interview

Ask the Vice -President The egg Meet a Co-worker

After the Interview

Did you ask: When they expect to have answer? When to expect to receive an answer and how. Who to call if you want to follow up?. Thank you email or letter. Do follow up. Continue job hunting, dont just wait.

Phone Interview or screening

Be prepared (room, phone, noise, glass of water) Careful with language (use title, dont interrupt, take your time to respond, end with thank you.) Walk around (not too much) Smile Take notes

The Questions

A job interview is a process in which a potential employee is evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in their company, organization, or firm. During this process, the employer hopes to determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for the job.

The Questions

These can be: Personal related Professional Academic or just strange

The Questions

Personal Tell me about yourself.

Options: 1) Im just fantastic! 2) Talk a bit about yourself, early years, growing up, choosing a school and the things you like the most. 3) I really cant say much, err well Im 24 and dont have a job.

The Questions

Professional What do you look for in a job?

Options: 1) A nice place to work and develop as an individual. 2) A place where I dont have to spend too much time and where there isnt a boss to tel me what to do. 3) A place where I can not only become a member of a team but where I can put into practice my knowledge and experience and obtain recognition for my performance.

The Questions

Academic Tell me about your experience at school.

Options: 1) I decided to go to la UVA because they have one of the best XXX schools in Spain. 2) I went to la complu because theyve got the best mus tournament in Spain. 3) Going to la UVA gave me the opportunity of being with some of the best teachers in law and having hands on experience with real cases.

The Questions

Strange or wild card "If you were an ice-cream cone, what flavor would you be?
Options: 1) I dont like ice-cream 2) I guess I would be a mint chocolate chip with nut on top. 3) Theres no real or right answer.

The Tests

The Tests

Tests give level by score, points etc (TEOIC, BULTATS) Tests have a pass score (FCE, PCE etc) Decides if written comprehension is XX then written language is YY, oral comprehension All should be based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
Today, most larger companies require a test in addition to the oral interview.
Suggested validity of any test is about 2 years.

The Tests

If you decide to take a test: - check which test is most suitable - find a good school to prepare - do a lot a of practice test - check if you can do online practices

Thank you for your kind attention and participation in this workshop.
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