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Natalia Gómez Vargas

Accounting is a discipline that is responsible for studying, measuring and analyzing the assets and
financial economic situation of a company or organization, in order to facilitate decision-making within
it and external control, presenting the information , previously registered, in a systematic and useful
way for the different interested parties.
• 1. Financial accounting
It is used above all to obtain quantitative financial
information in a structured way, through the balance sheet
and the profit and loss balance sheet. With this, we can
keep a history of the economic life of our company.
• 2. Tax accounting
This type of accounting of a company is based on the fiscal
criteria established by law, and regulates the way of making
the records and reports for the declaration and payment of
taxes. Tax accounting can be very different from financial
accounting, due to the great differences between accounting
principles and financial laws.
• 3. Management accounting
collects information of the same type as financial accounting, but
for internal use, and also usually more comprehensive. It allows
the control of the company and the fulfillment of its strategic
objectives. It also allows an analysis of the evolution of the
company, since it can include results from previous years. Thus, it
turns out to be a basic tool for optimal planning of business
• 4. administrative accounting
it is a tool within the types of accounting of a company that has
the objectives of evaluating, identifying and providing
information on the economic activity of the company. Its use is
exclusively internal, since it is used to adapt the accounting
information to the needs of the company's administration. It is
usually expressed almost always in monetary units, although it is
not regulated, as it is a process that does not transcend society.
• 5. Cost accounting
This accounting of a company classifies, accounts,
distributes and collects information on the costs
generated by the company, in addition to dealing with
the management of expected future costs.
• 6. Accounting by activity
It seeks to operate and classify the accounts that each
of the activities, to improve the productivity of the
company. This tool is very useful in decision-making,
since it makes an accurate portrait of the situation in
• 7. Service organization accounting
It is a particular type of accounting for companies that
provide services, and not goods, such as banks, hotels,
consultancies, transport companies, etc.
Accounting dates back to ancient times, when man
was forced to keep records and controls of his
properties because his memory was not enough to
store the required information. It has been shown
through various historians that in times like the
Egyptian or Roman, accounting techniques that
were derived from commercial exchange were used.

Since the first civilizations had the need to transmit

economic information for later times, until today
there are specialized schools that teach this science
6000 A.C 5400 A.C

Clay tablet native to Mesopotamia. First banking organization,

They were used as a writing medium the temple of Babylon
5000 A.C 3623 A.C

In Greece the laws were In Egypt, the pharaohs had

imposed, merchants had to scribes who recorded the
keep books with operations income, the expenses.
carried out.
2100 A.C 594 A.C

Hammurabi, he did the The legislation of King

coding where he Salomon, established 10
mentions the lawyers to form the
accounting practice. "Court of Accounts".

The empire of Alejandro In Constantinople the "Solidus"

Magno , its market for currency is issued, used for
goods grew so much that it international transactions allowing
extended to Asia Minor. accounting records.
1157 d.C 1221 d.C

Ansaldus Boilardus Genoese In Florence, a merchant named

notary formed a commercial Florentino keeps a book with
association, based on income and the MUST and HAVE method.
1400 d.C 1458 d.C

Francesco Datini's books show Benedetto Cotrugli Raugeo

double-entry bookkeeping.
writes "Della Mercadetura et
mercante perfetto" Pioneer in
the study of double entry.

Mercantile centers emerge, Accounting works are found where

professionals with functions of it contains references to the history
monitoring and reviewing of accounting techniques
accounting information.

The accounting undergoes modifications, A new stage of accounting research

on the origin of the accounts and the opens. The accounting books.
study of accounting principles begins.

NIIF is implemented in many of the

countries, to keep the accounts of

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