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Solar Flares

By: Sydney
What are solar flares?

They are like a brief explosion of intense high

energy radiation from the Sun's surface. Solar
flares produce high energy particles and
radiation that are dangerous to living things.
When solar flares go off. A
few days after that they can
make you sick. This
includes vomiting, fatigue,
low blood counts,
headaches, and mood
Solar flares can cause radiation poisoning to
humans and other mammals. They make them
sick by the intense release of very high energy
particles. This happens because most of the
Earth is protected but there are holes in the
North and South poles. So it can harm us
Solar flares can disrupt
communication systems.
This happens because
their energy mixes up the
Earth’s atmosphere
making broadcasts weak.
On the surface of Earth we are mostly protected
from solar flare effects but sometimes they can
come in from the holes in the South and North

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