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Data Collection 2 Date: 08/11/2023

• Compulsory
• 3pm to 4pm
• R11
Tuesday Thursday Friday
• Radwan • Nawal • Aria
• Piotr • Josh • Irma
• Victoria • Hasan Almourad • Hasan Arwani
• Haroun • Hanad Ismail • Hanad Hassan
• Hassaan Rauf • Kaspian • Ridwan Hassan
• Elme • Elias • Hayder
Non-random Sampling
Quota Sampling An interviewer or researcher selects a sample that
reflects the characteristics of the group

How to carry out a quota sample

• The population of interest is divided into strata
• e.g. where they live, education level, income level etc.
• Interviewer meets people from the population, and after a
significant amount of interaction assigns them to a strata
• This process continues until a quota is reached
• The interviewer takes care to maintain the correct proportions
represented in the population
Why is this a non-random sampling method?
Non-random Sampling
Opportunity Sampling The sample is taken from people available at the time and
who fit the criteria needed

Example of opportunity sampling

• Say I wanted to investigate what the most popular item in
Sainsburys is
• I would decide on a sample size e.g. 20 people
• I would then stand outside Sainsburys and survey the first 20
people I see coming out with shopping bags
What factors could impact the data produced
in this opportunity sample?
Non-random Sampling
Advantages Disadvantages

 Potential for bias to be introduced

Allows a small sample to represent  Can take time to divide the population

Quota the population into groups after

No sampling frame required  A more in-depth study would require an
Sampling Quick and inexpensive increasing number of different groups
Allows comparison between groups  Some people might not be willing to
take part

 Unlikely to give a proportional sample

Opportunity  Easy to carry out

 Researcher’s ability can affect the
Sampling  Inexpensive
 People might not want to be
Complete the following:

Exercise 1C
Types of Data
There are various different types of data which can be used in statistics

Quantitative data Discrete data

 Data which is  Data which can only take
numerical, such as certain values. For example,
height the number of people can
only be an integer
Qualitative data
Continuous data
 Data which is
non-numerical, such  Data which can take any
as colour, or worded value, the only limitation
answers to questions being how accurately we can
measure it. Eg) Height
Types of Data
Class Boundaries
 These are the maximum and
minimum values that belong in a

 This is the mean of the class boundaries

Class width

 This is the difference between the

upper and lower class boundaries
Types of Data
Is the length Qualitative or Quantitative?
 Quantitative

Is the length Discrete or Continuous?

 Continuous

Write down the class boundaries,

midpoint and class width for the class 34-
 Class boundaries are 33.5 and 36.5
 BE CAREFUL! For continuous data you need
to take values from half-way between each

 Midpoint = 35mm

 Class width = 3mm (using the boundaries

Complete the following:

Exercise 1D
The Large Data Set
The large data set contains
information recorded over a number
of years at weather stations around
the world (as shown)
The Large Data Set
The large data set contains
information recorded over a number
of years at weather stations around
the world (as shown)
The Large Data Set
The data was recorded in both 1987 and 2015, and you will most likely be asked to
draw comparisons between the two
You do not need to memorise the data, but being familiar with it:
 locations, variables, terminology and context
You will not get a copy of the large data set in your exam, just an extract
The Large Data Set
Daily mean wind
The different sets of data recorded direction and Daily mean cloud
are as follows: windspeed cover
 This is measured in  Measured in ‘oktas’, or
knots according to the eighths of the sky
Daily mean temperature beaufort scale (more on covered by cloud
 The mean temperature the next slide)
on that day
Daily mean visibility
Daily maximum gust
Daily total rainfall
 The highest  This is measured in
 The amount of rainfall that decametres (Dm). The
instantaneous wind speed
day (including snow or hail greatest distance at which
recorded, in knots
that has been melted) an object can be seen in
 Amounts less than 0.05mm daylight
are recorded as ‘tr’ (trace) Daily maximum
relative humidity Daily mean pressure
Daily total sunshine
 This is a percentage of  Measured in
 Recorded to the air saturation with water. hectopascals (1hPa = 100
nearest tenth of an hour Above 95% leads to Newtons per square
mist/fog metre)
The Large Data Set

Average speed at 1 knot is a ‘nautical

Beaufort scale Descriptive term 10metres above mile per hour’, and is
equivalent to 1.15mph
0 Calm Less than 1 knot
1-3 Light 1-10 knots

4 Moderate 11-16 knots

5 Fresh 17-21 knots

• Look at the data from Hurn 1987
• Focus on the 15 and 16 of October – how does the data differ on
those days compared to the others?
The Great Storm of 1987
The Large Data Set
Look at the extract given to
the right.

a) Describe the type of data

represented by daily total

 Continuous Quantitative
The Large Data Set
Look at the extract given to the

Alison is investigating daily

maximum gust. She wants to select
a sample size of size 5 from the
first 20 days in Hurn in June 1987.
She uses the first two digits of
the date as the sampling frame and
generates 5 random numbers from

b) State the type of sampling

method used
c) Why might the method not
generate a sample of size 5?
The Large Data Set
You need to be able to answer exam
questions based on large amounts of
real data that you will be given

Using the extract to the right,


a) The mean daily mean temperature

for the first 5 days of June in
Hurn in 1987
𝟏𝟓 .𝟏+𝟏𝟐 .𝟓+𝟏𝟑 .𝟖 +𝟏𝟓 . 𝟓+𝟏𝟑 . 𝟏
The table is to 1dp, so
maintain this level of ¿ 𝟏𝟒 . 𝟎°
b) The median daily total rainfall for
the week of 14th June to 20th June 0 ,3.7 ,5.6 ,0.1,7.4 ,𝑡𝑟 ,0 Trace amount are slightly
inclusive larger than 0
0 ,0 ,𝑡𝑟 ,0.1,3.7 ,5.6 ,7.4  Treat them as 0 for any
𝑀𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛=0.1 numerical calculations though!

The Large Data Set
You need to be able to answer exam
questions based on large amounts of
real data that you will be given

b) The median daily total rainfall for

the week of 14th June to 20th June

The median daily total rainfall for the

same week in Perth was 19.0mm. Karl
states that more southerly countries
experience higher rainfall during June

c) State, with a reason, whether your Perth is in Australia, which is south of the UK, and
answer to b) supports this statement its median rainfall was higher. However, taking a
small sample from a single location is each country
means there is not enough data to support the
Complete the following:

Exercise 1E

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