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Mandating COVID-19

Vaccination at IITT
SolutionsTeaching Notes

In this presentation, we will explore the case of mandating COVID-19

vaccination at IITT Solutions and delve into the implications for organizational
decision-making. Let's begin!
Case Overview
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact organizations worldwide, the
case of mandating vaccination at IITT Solutions becomes highly relevant. We
will examine the challenges, benefits, and ethical considerations associated
with this decision.
"IITT Solutions is a fast-growing software development firm with 5,000
employees and USD 1 billion in annual revenue. The firm is known for its
innovativeness, employee-centric culture, and excellence in project
Case Summary
Explore the impact of COVID-19 on IITT Solutions, including the introduction of a vaccination policy.
Discover the reactions of employees and analyze the ethical considerations surrounding this decision.
Uncover the complexities of balancing public health and personal choice.
Discussion Questions
1. How can organizations effectively communicate the importance of
vaccination to their employees?
2. What ethical dilemmas arise when implementing a mandatory
vaccination policy?
3. What measures can organizations take to address the concerns and
fears of employees regarding vaccination?

4. How can organizational leaders strike a balance between individual

rights and public health?
By examining the case of mandating COVID-19 vaccination at IITT Solutions, we recognize the significance
of thoughtful decision-making during a global health crisis. It is vital for organizations to navigate the
complexities of vaccination policies while upholding ethics and employee well-being.

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