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Three wheels mobile:

trajectory tracking
Trần Bùi Nam Sơn – 20202767
Nguyễn Quốc Lập – 20202755
Nguyễn Tiến Dũng – 20202786
Trần Hữu Đức - 20202739
I. Contents:

1. Dynamic model

2. Control method

I. Dynamic model
• Main role: Control the speed and rotation angle by controling the
torque generated by each actuators
• We have set of differential equations describing the dynamic

• m is the weight of the car
• J is the the moment of inertia of the vehicle
around the center
• is the force in the x-axis direction
• is the force in the y-axis direction
• M is the moment generated by the pulling
force exerted by the two wheels on the vehicle tends to
make the vehicle rotate around its axis

I. Dynamic model

• Final model:

• The obtained dynamic model written in matrix form is:

and the remaining matrices are zero

I. Dynamic model

• Component of dynamic model:


is the input vector

II. Control method:

• The block diagram of the system is described as follows:

• From L-theory we know that:

• Let f(t) be a function on of signal spaces, we say that f(t) if and f(t) if f(t)
is bounded
• From Barbalet lemma 3.1:
• Let f(t) is time varying function. If f(t) and f(t) then f(t) -> 0 as t ->

II. Control method:

Kinematic controller design:

• We have:

is denoted as time varying position and orientation trajectory, and is denoted as

time varying lineat and the angular velocity

II. Control method:

• The posture tracking error between the real robot and the desired
robot will be given as:

Where and
• Take derivative:
• Using Backstepping method to select the smooth velocity input:

Where are positive constants.

II. Control method:

• In order to prove the stability of the kinematic controller design,

we use the following Lyapunov candinate function:

• We see that 0

=> Therefore, the system is asymptotic stable because it satisfies

the discrete Lyapunov theorem.

II. Control method:

Dynamic controller design:

• Control target:

We have:


II. Control method:

Dynamic controller design:

- The velocity difference is:
=𝑣− =
-False derivative:
- Choose a control rule: u = C
Where C is the positivity – determining control matrix 2x2

=> Choose C=



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