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Book of Rites

Introduction to the Book of Rites by: Dai sheng

Presentation of Group 3
• Book of Rites
- Traditions
- Rituals
- During Pre-Qin period
Kong Qui

• Chinese Philosopher, teacher, and political figure.

• 551 B.C to 479 B.C also known as K’ung Fu-tzu or


• Kindness, Goodness, Honesty, Modesty, Wisdom

and Trustworthiness

• A pioneer in setting educational standards.

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Book of Rites
• Was originally entitled: Classic of Rites or Lijing

• Contains details of the life and teachings of Confucius.

• During emperor Qin Shihuang’s reign, many Confucian

classics were burned.

• After the Qin dynasty collapsed at the hands of the

emperor, scholars had put together the book based on
• A gentleman, considers victory, thinks and then moves, discusses and
then acts, he must think about what he says, what he says must think
about, and what he thinks about never regrets, it can also be said to
be cautious.

• Learn if you can’t, ask if you’re doubtful.

• The face-honored person is unfaithful, and the appearance-faced

person is unsympathetic.

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What are the 6 values Confucianism ought to teach?

Who wrote the Book of Rites?

Which dynasty did the “Burning of the Books” happened?

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That’s all thank you!

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