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Ukraine’s experience with influenza

vaccination of health workers during

conflict from Ukraine
About the cooperation of Ukraine in the PIVI-project

❖ We started cooperation in 2020.

❖ Medical healthcare workers were vaccinated:

❖ This experience is for the first time for Ukraine, but established work
at the national level MoH/PHC and coordinated cooperation with
international partners, the process went according to plan.
The work of NTEGI and Task Force for Vaccine Preventable Disease of the MoH

❖ NITAG in Ukraine is based on WHO recommendations. The

current chairman of NITAG - Fedir Lapiy is a member of ETAGE.

❖ The recommendations of NITAGare put into effect by orders of

the Ministry of Health after approval at TF for VPD of the MoH.

❖ The work of NITAG is key to the expansion of the influenza

vaccination program, for example by allowing the contemporary
administration of influenza and covid vaccines.
russian invasion of Ukraine

1. Hospitals were completely destroyed: 144

2. Hospitals were damaged: 958
3. Health workers were killed: 101
4. Health workers were injured: 131
However, we are Ukrainians, and each of us and all of us work together
to defeat the common enemy.

Now it is already clear who won, but right now we should all unite and
bring victory as close as possible.
We protect those who protect us

❖ In a difficult time of war, we found a balance between centralized

procurement and the supply of vaccines from donors and partners,
including influenza vaccines:

❖ 163,000 doses from Sanofi - for critical groups, Armed Forces, the
Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine, and
Border Service.

❖ 60,000 from PIVI for Health workers in all regions.

We thanks to PIVI for support and look forward to
further cooperation.

Now we need even greater cohesion throughout the

free world. And this is the only way to end full-scale
aggression and total terror. The energy of the
struggling world must not weaken.

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