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Project goal: Create a self-driving car using Raspberry Pi for
autonomous navigation.

Key components: Integration of various sensors and machine

learning algorithms.

Significance: Demonstrates the potential of low-cost hardware and

cutting-edge technology in autonomous transportation.

Functio ns: Detec t ob stacles, recognize traffic signs, and make

real-time de c isio ns.
Sr. Author Names
Title of paper Description
No. Year

Prakash, M., M. Janarthanan, and • Challenges faced in object detection and precise localization.
Multiple Objects Identification for D. Devi. • Learning models like R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN,
1 Autonomous Car using YOLO and CNN. and YOLO address these issues for real-time and accurate
IEEE, 2023. performance.

• Highlights are vision-based systems, specifically Automatic

Traffic Light Detection Systems (ALTDS)
Gautam, Sarita, and Anuj Kumar
Image-based automatic traffic lights detection Various techniques used in traffic light
2 system for autonomous cars: a review.
Springer January 2023
comparison of these techniques
and their pros and cons.

Prasad, Abhisek Omkar, Pradumn

• Architecture utilizing ROS, ML, DL, and OpenCV frameworks
Mishra, Urja Jain, Anish Pandey,
Design and development of software stack of Sensor and camera calibration
Anushka Sinha, Anil Singh Yadav,
3 an autonomous vehicle using robot operating
Rajan Kumar et al.
Computer vision-based controller, and intelligent
object avoidance.
Elsevier March 2023
Sr. Author Names
Title of paper Description
No. Year

• 1. sensor fusion used from the key sensors in autonomous vehicles:

J. Kocić, N. Jovičić and V.
camera, radar, and lidar.
Sensors and Sensor Fusion in Drndarević
4 Autonomous Vehicles
• The 3D object detection method and occupancy grid mapping is
IEEE, 2018

• 1. In this paper, we try to identify the technical challenges and the

A. Sui and G. Muehl core issues of securing Autonomous Vehicles and the networks.
Security for Autonomous Vehicle
5 Networks
IEEE, 2020 • make an analysis of the mainstream standards and industry best
practices, and furthermore highlight some research areas.
• Building hardware for self drivin g car
• Setting up master slave devices
• Camera setup and opencv4 on raspberry
• Wireless Controller
• C++ code to capture images • Line Follower
• Image processing using opencv • Obstacle Avoidance
• Using YOLO for object detection • Edge Detection
• Master slave communication • Facial Detection
• Voice Command
• Road Safety.

• Traffic Congestion.

• Energy Efficiency.

• Transportation Cost

• Traffic Law Compliance

• Emergency Response
• Lane detection

• Obstacle and edge detec tion

• Traffic light and traffic sign


• Changing lanes

•Enhan ced Road Safety : •Traffic M an ag emen t:

•Logistics and Delivery Services: •Data and Connectivity:

[1] Prakash, M., M. Janarthanan, and D. Devi. "Multiple Objects Identification for Autonomous Car using
YOLO and CNN." In 2023 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems
(ICICCS), pp. 597-601. IEEE, 2023.

[2] Gautam, Sarita, and Anuj Kumar. "Image-based automatic traffic lights detection system for autonomous
cars: a review." Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023): 1-48.

[3] Prasad, Abhisek Omkar, Pradumn Mishra, Urja Jain, Anish Pandey, Anushka Sinha, Anil Singh Yadav,
Rajan Kumar et al. "Design and development of software stack of an autonomous vehicle using robot
operating system." Robotics and Autonomous Systems 161 (2023): 104340.

[4] F. Wang, B. Xian, G. Huang and B. Zhao, "Autonomous hovering control for a quadrotor unmanned
aerial vehicle," Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference, Xi'an, China, 2013, pp. 620-625.

[5] R. Raffik, V. Singh, S. Kumar, J. Alanya-Beltran, P. Y. Jethabhai and R. Singh, "IOT based Electric
Vehicles - Implementation," 2022 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent
Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES), Chennai, India, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi:
[ 6 ] J. Rezg ui, É. G ag n é an d G . Blain , "A u to n o mo u s Lear n in g I n tellig en t Veh icles En g in eer in g : ALIV E 1 .0," 20 20 Inter nation al
Sy m po sium o n N etw o r k s, Co m p u ter s an d Co mmu n icatio n s ( I SN CC) , Mo n tr eal, Q C, Can ad a, 2 0 2 0, pp . 1-6 , d o i:
1 0 .11 09 /ISN CC4 9 2 2 1 .2 0 2 0 .9 2 9 7 2 5 8 .

[ 7 ] J. Kocić, N . Jo v ičić an d V. D r n d ar ev ić, "Sen so r s an d Sen so r Fu sio n in A u to n o mo u s Veh icles," 2 01 8 2 6 th

Telecomm un icatio n s Fo r u m ( TELFO R) , Belg r ad e, Ser b ia, 2 0 1 8 , p p . 4 2 0 - 4 2 5 , d o i: 1 0 .11 0 9 /TELFOR.20 18 .86 1 20 54 .

[ 8 ] A. Su i and G. Mu eh l, "Secu r ity f o r A u to n o m o u s Veh icle N etw o r k s," 2 0 2 0 I EEE 3 r d I n ter n atio n al Co n feren ce o n Electro nic
I n f orm atio n and Co m mu n icatio n Tech n o lo g y ( I CEI CT) , Sh en zh en , Ch in a, 2 0 2 0 , p p . 6 7 - 6 9 , d o i:
1 0 .11 09 /ICEICT5 1 2 6 4 .2 0 2 0 .9 3 3 4 3 5 4 .

[ 9 ] R. Ch h illar, H . A g ar w al an d S. C. G u p ta, "U sin g BFD 1 0 0 0 an d Rasp b er r y p i f o r A u to n o mo us Vehicle," 20 21 11th

I n ternatio nal Co n f er en ce o n Clo u d Co mp u tin g , D ata Scien ce & En g in eer in g ( Co n f lu en ce) , N o ida, In dia, 20 2 1, pp . 52 4- 52 9,
d o i: 1 0 .11 0 9/Con f lu en ce5 1 6 4 8 .2 0 2 1 .9 3 7 7 0 3 0 .

[ 1 0 ] K. B. Swain , S. D ash an d S. S. G o u d a, "Rasp b er r y PI b ased I n teg r ated A u to n o m o u s Veh icle usin g Lab VIEW," 2 0 17 Third
I n ternatio nal Co n f er en ce o n Sen sin g , Sig n al Pr o cessin g an d Secu r ity ( I CSSS) , Ch en n ai, I n d ia, 20 1 7, pp . 69 -73 , do i:
1 0 .11 09 /SSPS.2 01 7 .8 0 7 1 5 6 7 .

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