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LO: To understand the difference between explicit and implicit information
Identify explicit and implicit meaning

Pic. 1: The sign Stop is clearly explicit as it always notifies the drivers on the road to
stop the vehicle and wait till it’s safe. The message is clearly stated.

Pic. 2: The skull which is usually stands for a sign of danger is implicit and leaves
room for imagination. Upon seeing a similar sign on the door we are puzzled regarding
its meaning because we usually don’t know what kind of danger might await us ahead.
Explicit Implicit

Something that is explicit is stated directly and Something that is implicit is inferred - it is suggested
is clear in meaning. Explicit meaning is the by the way it is said. Implicit meaning can be harder
easiest to pick out from a text. to figure out than explicit meaning.

Sometimes a writer wants it to be obvious that Implicit information is not written. But it is there. To
the atmosphere of a text is good, bad, find the implicit information you need to think about
dangerous, happy, sad, and so on. you read. Therefore look up clues in the text for
further inference (interpretation).
E.g.: The girl is happy to receive a gift.
E.g.: The girl jumps with a smile on her face as she
receives a gift.
Let’s practice!

Identify whether the sentence is explicit or implicit.

1. Sally is sitting alone on the bench with few tears dropping from her eyes and
her shoulders are dropped.

2. “It’s so sad that he’s no longer around” she suddenly muttered.

Analysing explicit and implicit meaning

When analysing explicit and implicit meaning, as well as having lots of ideas, you need to explain
them clearly.

In order to show your understanding, you should:

● develop your ideas only from what you find in the text
● use examples from the text to support your ideas, for example, quotations
● explain the effects that the writer is trying to have on the reader and the purposes for these

● you can use the IDEAS technique to help structure your answer (= literary devices)

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