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Philosophy of Research

History of Scientific Thought

• Term ‘Science’ was coined in the 19th
• Separated from Philosophy
• Earliest school of thought: Theology-
Based on faith
History of Scientific Thought
• 3rd century: Rationalism- Process of
using systematic logical reasoning as a
means of understanding the world
– Aristotle: Metaphysics- Beyond physical
– Ontology: Study of being & existence
– Universal science: Study of logical principles
History of Scientific Thought
• 16th century: Francis Bacon- Knowledge can
only be derived from observations in the real
• Knowledge development is an empirical
activity and not a rational activity
• Empiricism  Inductive method of scientific
enquiry  Scientific method/ Baconian
History of Scientific Thought
• Middle Ages
– Rationalism vs Empiricism
– Rene Descartes: Rationalist
– John Locke & David Hume: Empiricists
– Galileo & Newton: Combined rationalism
and empiricism in studying natural
• Emphasized on nature’s relationships being
History of Scientific Thought
• 18th century: Immanuel Kant
– Knowledge is a product of subjective experiences
– Led to schools of phenomenology, hermeneutics,
critical social theory
– Based on Interpretivism
• Auguste Comte: Positivism
– Based on empiricism
– Emphasized confidence in experiences and logic
History of Scientific Thought
• 20th century
– Positivism  Quantitative research
– Anti-positivism  Qualitative research
• Later in the 20th century
– Sir Karl Popper: Knowledge or relationships cannot
be conclusively proven, but only disproven
– Post-positivism: “It is impossible to verify the truth
although it is possible to reject false beliefs”
Philosophy of Research
• Ontology: Study of existence
– What is reality?
– What exists?
– What can be observed?
• Epistemology: Study of knowledge
– How do we know it exists?
– How is existence studied?
– How do we observe phenomena?
• Concerned with what actually exists in the
world about which humans can acquire
• Study of being: Helps understand the Degree of
truth or reality
• Realist ontology: Existence of one single reality,
independent of human experience
• Relativist ontology: Reality is constructed
within the human mind, no ‘true’ reality
• Concerned with aspects of the validity, scope
and methods of acquiring knowledge
• Influences how researchers frame their
research in their attempts to discover
• Objectivist epistemology: Reality exists
outside, independent of the individual mind
• Constructionist epistemology: ‘Truth’ arises
from our engagement with the realities in our
world; generating contextual understandings
of a defined topic or problem
• Subjectivist epistemology: Reality can be
expressed in a range of symbol and language
systems; Reveals how an individual’s
experience shapes their perception of the
Philosophy of Research

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