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Name Seerat Fatima

Roll No 13025

Presented to: Dr. Taqmeem Hussein

Relativistic Effects


Consequences of Special Relativity

 Introduction to special theory of relativity

 The relativity of time (Time Dilation)

 The relativity of length (Length Contraction)

 The mass variation (Relativistic mass)

Introduction to special theory of relativity:
 The special theory of relativity was the result of development in physics at the
end 19th century and the beginning of 20th century.
 Albert Einstein 1905 theory of special relativity is one of most important paper
published in the field of physics. Special relativity is an explanation of how
speed affects the mass, time and space.
 The theory includes a way for the speed of light to define the relationship
between energy and matter small amounts of mass (m) can be interchangeable
with huge amounts of energy (E), as defined by the classic equation E = mc^2.
 Special relativity applies to "special" cases it's mostly used when discussing
huge energies, ultra-fast speeds and astronomical distances, all without the
complications of gravity. Einstein officially added gravity to his theories in
1915, with the publication of his paper on general relativity.
 As an object approaches the speed of light, the object's mass becomes infinite
and so does the energy required to move it. That means it is impossible for any
matter to go faster than light travel.t
 The relativistic effects of special relativity apparent only when the speed of
particles become comparable to speed of light.
 Relativity connects space and time , matter and energy , electricity and

What’s so special!?
 It applies in the absence of non uniform gravitational fields.
 Special relativity makes use of Euclidean like (flat) space-time.
 It deals with inertial (non accelerated) frame of reference.
 This theory explains firstly the concept of relative and absolute.
 It gives realization of four dimensional space-time continuum.

Postulates of special relativity:

1st : All the laws of physics remain the in all inertial frame of reference OR All
uniform motion is relative with each other.

2nd : The speed of light is constant.

Time Dilation:
According to Einstein, time is a physical quantity which is not absolute .It depends on the
motion or speed of inertial frame. Simply we can say that the time of an event as measured by
two observers in different inertial frames may not be exactly same due relative motion
between both frames.
Time dilation means:
“ The time passes slowly during motion.”
Let’s consider a clock kept in two different observers. One observer is at rest and the other is
moving along with the speed of light. The existence of time difference between the two clocks
is known as time dilation.

Formula of Time Dilation


 T is the time observed.

 T0 is the time observed at rest.
 v is the velocity of the object.
 c is the velocity of light in a vacuum

Determine the relativistic time, if T0 is 7 years and the velocity of the object is 0.55c.
T0 = 7 years
v = 0.55c
T=8.38 years
Proper time and Observer time

Proper time: Observer time:

The time that is measured by a clock which has the In the observer’s reference frame, the time between
same motion as the observer is known as proper time. events is called observer time.

 “T” represents the proper time.

 “T” represents the observer time.
Length Contraction:
A phenomenon in which the length of a moving object is
measured to be shorter than its proper length is known as length contraction.

Proper length Relativistic length

When an observer measures the distance An observer at rest (relative to the
between two points and is at rest relative moving object) would observe the moving
to both of the points, then such length is object to be shorter in length, such length
termed as proper length L0. is termed as relativistic length.
Length contraction formula:
The formula for length contraction is given by

 L is the length of an object with is in relativistic speed
 L0 is the length of an object at rest
 c is the velocity of light
 v is the velocity of the object
Compute the contracted length of an object whose initial length 10 m and travel with a velocity
0.75c ?
Given data
L0 = 10 m
v = 0.75c
c = Speed of light (3.0 x 108 m/s)
The formula for length contraction is
L = 10 × √1- (0.75)2
L = 10 × √(o.438)
L = 6.618 m.
Relativistic Mass:
The variation in the mass of an object when it moves with velocity
V such mass is called relativistic mass.

Proper mass: Relativistic mass:

The mass of an object measured in its If the object of mass m moving with
own frame of reference is called rest velocity V is called relativistic mass.
mass/invariant mass.

 Remains constant regardless of the  Increases with the object's velocity.

object's velocity.

 Denoted by the symbol m0.  Denoted by the symbol m.

Relativistic mass formula
Where ,
 The rest mass is mo.
 The velocity of the moving body is v.
 The velocity of light is c.

 : An object in motion has a mass of 12 kg and travels in the air with a velocity 0.82. What
would be its rest mass ?
m = 12 kg
v = 0.82c
The relativistic mass formula

Thus, the rest mass of the given object is 7.2 kg.

Thank you!

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