Physiology of Hearing & Balance

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Physiology of Hearing &

Brig Attique Ahmed
CMH Lahore
Auditory System
• Organ of Corti: sense organ of hearing
• Tunnel of Corti
• Hair Cells: inner and outer hair cells
• Supporting cells
• Tectorial membrane
• Nerve supply
• Auditory pathways
Mechanism of
1. Conductive apparatus:
a. Impedence matching/Transformer action. Handle of malleus
1.3 times larger than long process incus. Stapes footplate
ratio with tympanic membrane 14:1. product of areal ratio
and lever action is 18:1
b. Phase differential between oval/round window – 4 dB
c. Natural resonance of external and middle ear between 500-
3000 Hz corresponding to normal speech frequencies
2. Sensory system of cochlea:
d. Travelling wave theory of Von Bekesy
3. Neural pathways:
e. Hair cells innervated by bipolar cells of spiral ganglion –
collect to form cochlear N – Dorsal and Ventral Cochlear
Vestibular system
1. Peripheral receptors
a. Cristae: ampullated ends of three semicircular canals and respond to angular acceleration
b. Maculae: in Otolith organs (Utricle & saccule) for horizontal and linear head movement
2. Vestibular Nerve
a. Vestibular/Scarpa ganglion lateral part of IAM consisting of bipolar cells – distal processes innervate sensory epithelium and
central processes aggregate to form vestibular N.
3. Central Vestibular connections
a. Vest N – Vest Nuclei (sup, med, lat, descending)
b. Afferents to vest nuclei: peripheral vest receptors, cerebellum, ret formation, spinal cord, cont vest nuclei
c. Efferents: nuclei of 3,4 & 6 Ns, motor part of spinal cord, cerebellum, autonomic nervous system, cont vest nuclei, cerebral
Physiology of vest
Peripheral: membranous labyrinth (semicircular canals,
utricle, saccule) & Vest N
Central: nuclei and fiber tracts in CNS for integration
1. Semicircular canals: angular acceleration/deceleration.
3 canals at right angles (horizontal – horizontal
nystagmus) (sup canal – rotatory nystagmus) (post
canal – vertical nystagmus). Flow of endolymph
displaces cupula (ampullopetal or ampullofugal)
2. Utricle & saccule: Stimulated by linear and horizontal
3. Information sent to CNS, integrated with visual,
auditory, somatosensory and cerebellar impulses.
Thank you

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