IC Presentation For ECMO

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Integrate Consulting, An Affiliate of Kantar

We are part of Kantar group, present in +90 countries

Africa & Middle East Europe Asia Pacific The Americas

Algeria Albania Luxembourg Australia Argentina

Bahrain Armenia Macedonia Bangladesh Brazil
Cameroon Austria Moldova Cambodia Canada
Egypt Azerbaijan Montenegro China Chile
Ghana Belgium Netherlands Hong Kong Colombia
Iran Bosnia & Norway India Ecuador
Ivory Coast Herzegovina Poland Indonesia Mexico
Kenya Bulgaria Portugal Japan
Kuwait Czech Republic Peru
Romania Malaysia
Lebanon Denmark United States
Russia Mongolia
Madagascar Estonia Serbia Myanmar
Mauritius Finland Slovakia New
Morocco France Spain Zealand
Nigeria Georgia Sweden Philippines
Pakistan Germany Switzerland Singapore
Reunion Greece Turkey South
Saudi Arabia Hungary Ukraine Korea
Senegal Ireland United Kingdom Sri Lanka
South Africa Israel Taiwan
Tanzania Italy Thailand
Tunisia Kazakhstan Vietnam
Uganda Kosovo
United Arab Emirates Latvia

Our mission

“Integrate people’s
voices to business
decisions for a better
Our values

Human, Positive, Expert, trust

An experienced research team


Secteurs d’expertise Our local team
Ivory Coast
• FMCG • 30 Employees
• Telecoms • 14 Consultants of which 6 Seniors
• Education with more than 10 years of experience
• Automotive
• 3 teams of quantitative research
• Finance
• 2 teams of qualitative research
• Health
• 1 Technology & Analytics team
• Socio-economic
• A team of 90 expandable interviewers
• Etc. according to the needs
• 1 team of consumer panel
• 1500 panelists

In addition to the Maghreb our team unfolds in French-

speaking Africa
The Team


Technology &
Head of Quant Head of Qual MCP
Analytics Associate Director
Department Department
Data Excellency Office Office
PM Qual Stack Accouting
Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Science Program support Support
Manager Manager Manager Manger Manager Engineer Manager

Senior Senior Executive Executive

Executive Executive Executive Executive
Executive Executive

Senior Operations
Manager Manager

Consumer Panel
Senior DP 2 QC
Executive Executive Operators

Our objective is our client's growth

 We focus on your business  We direct our insights towards

challenges to help you identify, your business challenges,
optimize and enable the highlighting the most actionable
moments that matter the most in direction.
order to drive growth
 We also provide precise and
 To go beyond research operational plans to help you
questions enables us to ask the achieve growth.
good questions to the good
people.  Using new innovative
techniques, with 15 000
interviews on telephone during
the 18 last months alone.

What are our strenghts ?

We have vast experience in many domains in Morocco, and worldwide.

A conclusive
A global international network with collaborators continuously sharing their knowledge and
experience in the
market studies
More than 20 years of existence in Morocco.

A data collection and

We work with collection applications and analysis tools that ensure our data and deliverables
processing process
up to the global
standards of the We have experience in heavy fields on national scale and a dedicated team to the quality
industry control to ensure the good functioning of interviews face to face as well as through telephone.

An experienced,
enthousiastic and Diversity of our talents is our strength, we have a motivated, flexible, reactive team fitted with a
commited project compelling experience in market research.

Besides carrying out specifications according to the rules, we’re working to build a strategic
Strong partnerships
with our clients
partnership with our client. We are the driving force fueling proposals and available for an
implication within the thinking on strategic decisions.

Some references

9 9
A full support

We offer you a full support to answer your needs

according to your « Demand cycle » by providing
insights and marketing, sales and business solutions
to allow you to develop your activity

We specialize in 6 main areas of expertise to meet your business needs


 Brand
WHAT TO STAND FOR? − Brand Strategy
− Brand Guidance

HOW TO DISRUPT & RENEW?  Innovation

 Creative
 Media

 Commerce & Shopper

 Customer Experience
Brand Strategy

Business Issue Key questions

Making a brand irresistible is

unlocked with a deep
understanding of human, cultural,
brand and category dynamics. Key
How to make my brand stand out questions to answer are
and become irresistible?
- How can my brand win and grow?
- What should my brand stand for?
- How can my brand resonate with
my audience?

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Brand Guidance

Business Issue Key questions

Key questions to answer are

- How strong are equity and

market factors in driving my
Is my brand growing? Do I need to - How can I optimize media channel
adjust my strategy or execution?
- How can I optimize my creative
- Is my brand resonating with

14 14
Brand Strategy/ Guidance
We help you to define, built and monitor your brand growth

How can my How can I
brand win optimise my
and grow? media channel

What does
How can I
or should KPI SIGNAL
Is my brand growing? optimise my
my brand
How to win How to keep winning creative
stand for? Do I need to adjust
my strategy or content?

How can
my brand
Is my brand
with people?


Innovation & Product Development

Business Issue Key questions

Delivering memorable
and differentiating
experiences comes
through answering the
below questions:
How to inspire and - What are the crucial
accelerate growth
moments of
through innovation?
- What is their size?
- Where to play?
- When and how to
deliver the ultimate

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Commerce & Shopper

Business Issue Key questions

For my brand to break through in the
moment of truth, we need to address
these Key questions:

- How can we influence the

How to maximize my brand
shopper along the path to
conversion at the point of sale?
- Which shopper activations have
the most impact?
- How can we impact sales at the
point of purchase?

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Media - Our solutions to guide your different media decisions

Which touchpoints will engage my How will my digital ads build brand
target? equity?

How does my paid, owned and Which placements will work best for
earned activity compare to my digital creative?

How are my digital media campaigns

How are my media campaigns building brand equity?
building brand equity?
How does effectiveness vary by
Which channels and formats audience, placement, frequency,
deliver most cost-effectively? format and creative?

Customer Expérience (CX)

Business Issue Key questions

To have a full understanding of the
relationship with retailers we need to
answer the below questions
- How strong is my relationship with
the retailers?
- What are the moment of
How can I create experiences with
experience that matter to them?
retailers that unlock growth? - How do I deliver against these
- What KPIs to prioritize to
check/correct our course towards
the customer experience vision we

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Customer Experience (CX)
Our holistic framework for stakeholder management pinpoints the actions that will drive

Experience Customer
(HiPO) Relationship
Employee Customer
Experience Experience
Internal Service Transactional
Quality Experience
TRI*M from Kantar uses validated metrics to
Retail and
help you understand the moments that matter Shopper
most to your customers and shows you how to Experience
excel in those moments. And it helps you
evaluate important customer interactions, so Corporate Product
you can react quickly to opportunities and risks. Reputation Experience

Trade Partners

Business Issue Key questions

Creative comes in the continuity of
the work made on the brand.
Additional questions to be dealt with

- What would make people care?

How to generate sales in the - How do we spark engagement?
short-term and build my brand in - How do we continually fine-tune
the long-term?
our content to align it with the
brand strategy?
- What will be the impact of the ad
on my brand and sales?
- Have the changes I made to the ad
improved it enough to deploy?

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Our work procedures
A data collection subject to the ESOMAR

Our job relies on the cooperation of the public and their confidence. That is why
research must be carried out honestly and objectively without infringing their
privacy or creating disadvantages for those whose data is used in research.

With increasing public concerns about the importance of individuals being able to
control how their personal data is used and for what purpose comes a pressing
need for clear ethical and professional guidance on how to handle that data
responsibly. It is more important than ever before to maintain public trust in
research and to continue to demonstrate our recognition of the ethical,
professional and social responsibilities that come with using people’s personal


Data collection procedures

Integrate Consulting has generalized the administration of surveys assisted under digital support as well as face to face (CAPI) or by
telephone (CATI). The rate of appeal to digital supports for data collection exceeds 98% today. About 140 tablets are used for this

Integrate Consulting has also an internal call center dedicated to telephone surveys equipped with the best CATI administration tools. In
total, the telephone platform has 17 extendable positions in case of need.

The Computer Assisted Interview (CAPI/CATI) is an interesting alternative to the mainstream method using paper, because it enables:

• Simultaneous collection of answers on the tablets

• Minimizing the risks for error during the form fillings by taking into charge the filters and returns thanks to entry scripts
• Better follow-up and control of quality
• Time saving in the filling of grids and data collection
• A faster and safer transfer of data
• A nearly in real time access to the collected data.

Strict procedures to ensure continuously a high-quality service

Quality procedures Respondent engagement

 Survey experience  Quality standards
 Interviewer
 ‘Appropriate for me’
engagement / training
 Passive collection  Continuous
 Working globally to performance
Kantar Standards for management
data collection  Technology
(equivalent to the data infrastructure
collection elements of
 ISO20252 fully
accredited in 15

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Nfield tool for CAPI collection

NFIELD CAPI is the new data collection solution aimed at specialized firms in research and market

Designed to respond to the needs of a moving and faster world of research, NFIELD allows, thanks to its
well-developed interfaces, a complete insight and a faster access to the data ensuring their safety and

NFIELD CAPI for Android combines the Microsoft Cloud technologies and Android Mobile to give a
solution for a revolutionary data collection that will change the way of conducting the face-to-face
interviews. The surveys being simple or complex or with complex quotas, NFIELD CAPI for Android used
by Integrate Consulting is the most practical solution of data collection for all those who want to conduct
high quality research projects.

Analysis tool SPSS

IBM SPSS Statistics is a statistical analysis software contributing with the basic functions
to master the analytical process end-to-end. It is easy to use and includes a wide range
of procedures and techniques. To help increase revenues, stay one step ahead of your
competitors, conduct research and make better decisions.

SPSS Statistics provides essential statistic analysis tools for each step of the analysis

•A complete set of statistical procedures to carry out precise analyses.

•Integrated techniques to rapidly and easily prepare the data for the analysis.
•A sophisticated function that generates reports for the creation of highly efficient
•Powerful functions of visualization showing clearly the importance of your results.
•A medium for all types of data including the big data collections.

Integrate Consulting data quality control process

Integrate Consulting adopts dynamic management of quality methods intended to improve constantly our intern performances and ensure a
continuous success on the market.
The control and monitoring of the processes are keys to the success of our survey program. Integrate Consulting has systems and processes to
ensure the accuracy, the entirety and the speed of implementation.
• Control and quality of location via GPS report.
• Quality control internal process
Each department at Integrate Consulting maintains operational documented procedures that deal with quality insurance and monitoring. This
documentation provides a coherence throughout all the phases, from the project introduction to samples development, to data collection, to the
treatment and management of data and to the analysis.
All our deliverables are subject to quality controls in each departmental level. A quality team is in place to audit each phase’s deliverables of the
project (programmed polls, data processing, etc.) based on a set of criteria and to provide comments for the operational teams .
The quality control is adapted for each data collection method. The quality control for the face-to-face interviews follows these steps:
 25% of the surveys are administered by the interviewer with the presence of the supervisor
 40% of the surveys are back-checked by telephone
The surveys administration via tablets provides GPS coordinates of the administration place. This allows to check that the surveys have indeed
been carried out in the blocks determined by Integrate Consulting. It enables also to register the time of the interviews and their duration.

A well-established back check process

• The quality control team is informed about the project to control by using instructions that include specific questions of the
Back Check

• A minimum of (40%) of the project sample contacted by telephone as part of the control.
• The surveys are randomly chosen for each interviewer for the control using factual questions related to the survey
• Concerning qualitative research, a face-to-face back check with the participants is ensured right before the conduction of the
chec focus groups or individual interviews

• The results of the control carried out by the QC team are registered in the form of a report with standards in percentage that
shouldn’t be exceeded. This report is sent to the field managers.
Back- • In the case of an anomaly identified during the control: the surveys are remade, and they are no longer used

GPS localization of our tablets

As it is shown in the image below, we can follow our interviewers moves thanks to the GPS installed on the interviewers tablets.


Dedicated team of ~53 Interviewers Proven Collection methodology

 Fully dedicated to KWP HHs Panel  Bin & Pantry check
 Supervisors team to train and control  Collection assisted by Tablets, with full products dictionary
 Multiple controls of each declarations
Continuous purchases collection  Check between Bin & Panelists Diary
 Weekly collection / all categories tracked / for the same 1500  Stickers to mark non consumed products
panelists  Verification of the surveys for all a tracked categories run at each visit
 75 000 visits per year
Strict controls of each interviewers' visits
 GPS location
 Date, Time and length of each interview
 Panelists Call back
 Regular visits from Field Management

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Quali groups facilities: Salle Picasso

 Group room with a capacity to welcome 8 respondents

 Area enabling the conducting of creative techniques (collage,


 Viewing room with a capacity of welcoming 10 clients

 Sound system complied with the international quality

standards – implemented by an acoustic engineer

Quali groups facilities: Salle Modigliani

 Group room with a capacity of welcoming 8 respondents.

 Viewing room with a capacity of welcoming 8 clients.

 Equipped with a camera enabling to zoom on the

respondent’s face.

 Sound system complied with the international quality

standards – implemented by an acoustic engineer

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