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Project Presentation

Electricity Generation through Steam Electric Power Plant


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Steam Electric Power Plant Nuclear Energy in the world today Fission Reaction The Susquehanna Steam Electric Power Plant Energy generation at present in Pakistan Nuclear energy and Pakistan Ground realities Nuclear waste and precautions Conclusion References

Steam Electric Power Plant


A steam electric power plant is the one which produces electricity with the help of steam, produced from heat energy and used to run turbines. The fuel used can be oil, gas, coal or nuclear fuel which is composed of Radioactive Elements such as Uranium and Plutonium.


Nuclear Energy in the world today


The first commercial nuclear steam electric power stations started operation in the 1950s. There are now some 436 commercial nuclear power reactors operating in 30 countries, with 372,000 Mew of total capacity. They provide about 16% of the world's electricity as continuous, reliable base-load power, and their efficiency is increasing. 56 countries operate a total of about 250 research reactors and a further 220 nuclear reactors power ships and submarines.

Nuclear Energy in the world today


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Over 16% of the world's electricity is produced from nuclear energy, more than from all sources worldwide in 1960. Today, only eight countries are known to have a nuclear weapons capability. While 56 countries operate civil research reactors, and 30 have some 440 commercial nuclear power reactors with a total installed capacity of over 370,000 MW. This is more than three times the total generating capacity of France or Germany from all sources.





Working of Nuclear Reactors


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A nuclear reactor produces and controls the release of energy released from the atoms of Radioactive elements such as Uranium and Plutonium (Fission Reaction). Types of Fission Reactions: Fission Chain reaction: Used in Atomic Bombs. Controlled Fission Reaction: Used in Nuclear Reactors for producing energy.


Fission Chain Reaction


Uranium atoms are bombarded with high speed neutrons which break the nucleus and emit 2-3 more neutrons, two daughter nuclei and heat energy. The emitted neutrons then hit more Uranium atoms and so the amount of energy and number of neutrons increases, giving rise to a huge amount of heat energy. This is called Fission Chain Reaction used in Nuclear Bombs.

Controlled Fission Reaction


v v v

In this type of Fission Reaction, the number of emitted neutrons is controlled with the help of Boron rods. Boron rods have the property to absorb neutrons. Heavy water is also used. Thus the energy produced is controlled and used for generating electricity in Nuclear Power Plants.



Susquehanna Steam Electric Power Plant





History & Location

Hitory: v 1970 - PPL announces construction plans for the plant and chooses a site. v 1973 - The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission issues a construction permit and work begins in November. More than 5,000 people work to design, build and test the plant. v 1982 - Unit 1 receives an operating license in July and generates its first electricity in November. v 1983 - Unit 1 begins commercial service in June.

History & Location

Location: v Located in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania state, U.S.A. v Spreads over a site of 1,075 acres, with about 1,500 employees working. v About seven miles northeast of Berwick, Pennsylvania. v Down the hill from the plant and along the Susquehanna River is the Susquehanna Energy Information Center.

How does a BWR Reactor works?

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Its a BWR reactor(Boiling Water Reactor)where the reactor core creates heat. A steam-water mixture is produced when very pure water (reactor coolant) moves upward through the core absorbing heat. The steam-water mixture leaves the top of the core and enters the two stages of moisture separation where water droplets are removed before the steam is allowed to enter the steam line. The steam line directs the steam to the main turbine causing it to turn the turbine 4/22/12 generator, which produces electricity.

BWR Reactor working


Working of Susquehanna Plant

Fuel: v Powering each reactor at the Susquehanna nuclear plant is about 135 metric tons of enriched uranium dioxide in the form of ceramic pellets. A single pellet can produce the same amount of energy as 1,000 pounds of coal or 100 gallons of gasoline. v About 30 million of these pellets, which are about the size of a standard pencil eraser, fuel each reactor. Fuel pellets are stacked 12.5 feet high inside rods that are about13.5 feet long. 4/22/12 v The rods are arranged inassemblies. Each

Working of Susquehanna Plant

Reactor Vessel: v The fission process occurs in the reactor vessel. v Each of Susquehanna's reactor vessels is a 750-ton cylinder about 21 feet in diameter standing more than 73 feet tall with 4-inch to 9-inch thick steel walls. v The reactor vessel contains about 130,000 gallons of water used to create steam and to cool the reactor fuel. v Heat released during fission boils water to make steam. v Plant operators control the nuclear reaction by inserting or withdrawing control rods between the fuel assemblies in the reactor. Each Susquehanna reactor has 185 control rods.


Working of Susquehanna Plant

Turbine: v More than 14 million pounds of steam per hour from the reactor passes through an assembly of four turbines, each with hundreds of fan-like blades on rotating parts. v The turbines are connected to a generator.


Working of Susquehanna Plant

Generator: v The turbines spin a main generator at 1,800 revolutions per minute to produce more than 1 million kilowatts of electricity.


Working of Susquehanna Plant

Condenser: v After the steam turns the turbine, it passes into a condenser and is cooled back into water. v Nearly 450,000 gallons of cooling water from the unit's cooling tower and the Susquehanna River flow every minute through a piping system made up of more than 81,000 condenser tubes (about 600 miles of tubing). v When the steam hits the cool pipes, it condenses back into water. The condenser 4/22/12 can turn more than 8 million pounds of

Working of Susquehanna Plant

Cooling Tower: v After passing through the condenser tubing, the non-radioactive cooling river water is pumped back to the towers where it trickles down over a series of baffles. v As the water falls, it is cooled by evaporation. Heat and water vapor rise from the towers. v At full power, each tower evaporates about 10,000 gallons of water per minute. v Cooled water collects at the tower base and is pumped back to the condenser.

Susquehanna Generation Details


Net Capacity MW(e)

Generation (Million Kilowatt Hours) 8,984 10,056 19,040

Capacity Factor (Percent)


On Line Date

License Expiratio n Date

1 2

1,149 1,140 2,289

89 100 95


6/8/1983 7/17/2022 2/12/19853/23/2024


Environmental Safeties

The design of Susquehanna, and all nuclear plants in the United States, is based on a "defense-in-depth" concept, which refers to the multiple layers of protection for public health and safety. At the center are design features to contain radiation within the plant and minimize the release of radioactive material in any event. The design includes redundant safety systems and imposing concrete and steel barriers. Beyond physical barriers are carefully 4/22/12 developed work procedures and extensively

Environmental Safeties
Design: v Fuel is formed into ceramic pellets that hold in most radioactive byproducts of nuclear fission. v The Susquehanna plant has multiple levels of safety systems, all of which can operate manually or automatically. v The reactor vessel has steel walls 4 to 9 inches thick. v Surrounding the reactor is a containment structure made of 6-foot-thick concrete with a quarter-inch-thick steel lining.

Environmental Safeties

The reactor building, which has steelreinforced concrete walls, serves as a secondary containment structure. To prevent air leakage, air pressure inside the reactor building is kept slightly lower than outside air pressure. Multiple plant cooling systems, a variety of water sources and a series of independent emergency core cooling systems ensure an adequate water supply to maintain proper fuel temperature. An air filtration system minimizes the effect and continuously monitors airborne4/22/12 radiation

Energy production situation in Pakistan

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Pakistan is facing some serious problems of energy shortages. According to the latest figures of PEPCO, current power generation is 13280MW against the total demand of 14200 MW, showing a gap of 900MW. This production and demand gap varies so much that at times it reaches to even 3000-4000MW!!.


Energy production situation in Pakistan


In Pakistan, nuclear power makes a small contribution to total energy production and requirements Pakistan produces only 2.34% of the country's electricity from nuclear fuel. Total generating capacity is 20 GW and in 2006, 98 billion kWh gross was produced, 37% of it from gas, 29% from oil.


Public Vs Private Contribution

Public sector WAPDA GENCOs PAEC Sub-total = Private sector IPPs KESC Sub-total = Grand total 100 MW 6444 4834 462 11740 6185 1756 7941 19681 % 33 25 2!!!! 60 31 9 40


Energy production situation in Pakistan


Since all generating units are not working with full potential, the practical generated energy is somehow 6000-7000MW less than the given figures. Many power plants have loan pending on Public Institutions, making them unable to provide funds for fuel.



Nuclear Energy & Pakistan

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Pakistan has got the nuclear capability since 1985. Rich in Re-usable Uranium present in large quantities in Baluchistan. A lot of potential in this sector still to be utilized. Pakistan has a small nuclear power program, with 425 MWe capacity, but plans to increase this substantially.


Pakistan & Nuclear Energy

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At present, Pakistan has only 3 nuclear plants, one still under construction. Enriched fuel for the PWRs(pressurized water reactors) is imported from China. First nuclear power reactor is a small (125MWe) Canadian pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) which started up in 1971 and which is under international safeguards KANUPP near Karachi.


Different Plants & their capacity

Constructi Commercial on MWe start 1966 1993 2005 operation 12/72 6/00 expected 2011



Karachi PHWR 125 Chashm PWR 300 a1 Chashm PWR 300 a2 Total 425

Nuclear Energy & Ground Realities in Pakistan

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Pakistan is a poor country and thus lacks the funds to build Nuclear Power Plants. Pakistan has still not been given the right to utilize Civil Nuclear Technology, so difficult to access the nuclear equipment in International Market. Investment cost for building Nuclear plants is very high and the construction time extensively long.


Nuclear Energy & Ground Realities in Pakistan

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The political will of the government to promote renewable energies is weak. Alternative Energy Development Board lacks political capacities compared with the ministries of water and power, and the oil and gas.


Which source is best to generate electricity?

The choice of a source for electricity generation depends upon many factors: v Cost v Amount of Energy produced v Environmental threats v Long lasting or temporary v Effect on economy


Which source is best to generate electricity?


Nuclear Is The Best For Pakistan

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Very large amount of energy can be produced from a small quantity of fuel. Fuel used once, can be reused. Has got the nuclear technology. Long lasting source of producing energy. Very cheap source once the Nuclear Plants are built. Absence of toxic emissions of carbon dioxide and sulfur oxide.


How to improve the situation?


v v v v

Demand the world community to give Pakistan the right to Civil Nuclear Technology. Invite the private sector to invest in the Nuclear Energy. Provide basic infrastructure Make a clear and consistent policy Enhance co-operation with China & France.


Issues With The Nuclear Power Plants

Cost: v The initial cost for construction of a nuclear power plant is very high. v It takes too much time to build a nuclear power plant. v A research by A H Nayyar and Fahd Ali, from SDPI, Pakistan, on Economics of nuclear energy in Pakistan showed that nuclear energy is more expensive than conventional thermal energy. v This survey showing high cost of nuclear energy is on the basis of initial cost.

Nuclear waste

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The volume of nuclear waste produced by the nuclear industry is very small compared with other wastes generated. Each year, nuclear power generation facilities worldwide produce about 200,000 m3 of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste. About 10,000 m3 of high-level waste including used fuel designated as waste.


Nuclear waste and their disposal

There are three types of Nuclear Waste:Exempt waste & very low level waste: v Exempt waste and very low level waste (VLLW) contains radioactive materials at a level which is not considered harmful to people or the surrounding environment. v It consists mainly of demolished material (such as concrete, plaster, bricks, metal, valves, piping etc) produced during rehabilitation or dismantling operations on nuclear industrial sites.

Nuclear waste
Intermediate-level waste: v Intermediate-level waste (ILW) contains higher amounts of radioactivity and some requires shielding. v It typically comprises resins, chemical sludges and metal fuel cladding, as well as contaminated materials from reactor decommissioning. v Smaller items and any non-solids may be solidified in concrete or bitumen for disposal. It makes up some 7% of the volume and has 4% of the radioactivity of all radwaste

Nuclear waste
High-level waste: v High-level waste (HLW) arises from the 'burning' of uranium fuel in a nuclear reactor. v HLW contains the fission products and transuranic elements generated in the reactor core. It is highly radioactive and hot, so requires cooling and shielding. v It can be considered as the 'ash' from 'burning' uranium. v HLW accounts for over 95% of the total radioactivity produced in the process of electricity generation.

Nuclear waste
There are two distinct kinds of HLW(High level waste): v 1-Used fuel itself v 2-Separated waste from reprocessing the used fuel v HLW has both long-lived and short-lived components, depending on the length of time it will take for the radioactivity of particular radio nuclides to decrease to levels that are considered no longer hazardous for people and the surrounding environment. 4/22/12 v If generally short-lived, fission products can

Nuclear waste

High-level waste (HLW) is the major issue arising from the use of nuclear reactors to generate electricity. Highly radioactive fission products and also transuranic elements are produced from uranium and plutonium. Countries have adopted a closed cycle and utilized reprocessing to recycle material from used fuel, the fission products and minor actinidesb are separated from uranium and plutonium and treated as HLW (uranium and plutonium is then re-used as fuel in 4/22/12 reactors).


Cycle of nuclear waste


Disposal of Nuclear waste

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The biggest problem with Nuclear Waste is that it emits radiations. These radiations are very harmful to living organisms. In general, the only way to get rid of Nuclear waste is to store it at a safe place.


Disposal of Nuclear waste

Compaction: v Compaction is a mature, well-developed and reliable volume reduction technology that is used for processing mainly solid man-made low-level waste (LLW). v Compactors can range from low-force compaction systems (~5 tonnes or more) through to presses with a compaction force over 1000 tonnes, referred to as super compactors.

Compaction machine


Disposal of Nuclear Waste

Cementation: v Cementation through the use of specially formulated grouts provides the means to immobilize radioactive material that is on solids and in various forms of sledges and precipitates/gels (flocks) or activated materials. v Solid wastes are placed into containers. The grout is then added into this container and allowed to set. v The container with the now monolithic block of concrete/waste is then suitable for storage 4/22/12 and disposal.

Cementation Container


Disposal of Nuclear Waste

Vitrification: v Borosilicate glass has been chosen as the medium for dealing with HLW. v The stability of ancient glass for thousands of years highlights the suitability of borosilicate glass as a matrix material. v This method has also been extended for LLW wastes where the type of waste or the economics have been appropriate.


Vitrification machine


v v v

All conventional sources together are not sufficient to meet our energy demands. Oil and gas can be used for next 40-50 years only Nuclear fuel is more energy producing and more environmental friendly.


References uclear_power

John Stephenson Peter Tynan Dahlberg Global Development Advisors Canadian Journal on Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol. 1, No.3, April 2010 Crisis of Electrical Energy in Pakistan and Future guide line for policy makers Sifat Shah, A. Rashid, M.K.L Bhatti, Shahid Khattak, Laiq Khan Demand side management Concept and 4/22/12

IAEE (International Association for Energy Economics), 1988 south and Southeast Asia Pricing issue, v.9, US Department of energy 2002, office of energy efficiency and Renewable Energy, Geothermal Energy Program FBS, 1998, 50 years of Pakistan in statistics. Federal Bureau of Statistics Government of Pakistan Vol.1,p.1-140 FBS, 2002a statistical pocket book of Pakistan 2002: Government of Pakistan January 2002 4/22/12 Europe steps towards shared repository

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