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Nama:Fitri, Aminah, Nadia, Silvira, Desi
Kelas: Xll Akuntansi
Tugas:Bahasa Inggris
Background Problem
The development of information and
communication technology is currently very rapid
Influences society, especially after the discovery
of the internet today increasingly popular with
the public. Various conveniences can be obtained
by simply accessing the internet.
According to the results of research conducted Mukodin (2004) said that the internet facility itself is often used by the public

including email (88%), world wide web (84%), chat (79%), downloading files (68%), usenet newsgroups (18%), and online games

(16%). But in some

this year, electronic games or better known as online games progressing very rapidly, this can be seen more and more internet

cafes (warnet) or game centers in big cities and towns

other small.
Games are activities carried out for entertainment in which they are played the game has rules so that there are winners and losers
(Dictionary Macmillan, 2011).
Online games are currently a new trend that is in great demand children, especially teenagers. This is
because online games have There are more challenges than offline games, such as playing online via
theinternet opponents who can fight directly alias do not have to fight the computer as in offline games,

the community is more, the items available in online games more and more updates besides that's one of the things

people are interested in playing online games is the character that is played and the items that are owned can be a

money machine for players like in online games today.


Formulation of the problem

The aims of this research are:

Based on the background of the problem

Describe the motives of the youth audience in
described above, the researcher
playing online games.

proposed the following problem formulation:

"What are the audience's motives?

The aims of this research are:

teenagers in playing online games?

Describe the motives of the youth audience in playing online games.


This research is expected to provide benefits including:

Academic benefits

Academically, this research is expected to expand and enrich reference materials,

research materials and reading sources in UKSW FISKOM environment,

especially for the Science Study Program Communication

Practical Benefits

It is hoped that this research will be able to add to the body of theory for author and for readers

regarding the study of the motives of early adolescent audiences in playing online games. With this

research, you canprovides an overview of the various influencing motives early adolescent audiences in

playing online games and see the factors behind it



Sarwono (2000) defines behavior as something that is done by individual to another individual and something

that is real. According to Hovart (in Yee, 2002), addiction is an activity that is carried out repeated and can have

a negative impact. Addiction can be defined as a behavior that can function asa way to have fun and a way to

escape from that predicament uncomfortable. For example, repeated failures in controlling something

behavior (inability to control). In addition, people who experience Online

game addiction can spend up to 10 hours playing non-stop in one day or

an average of 22.72 hours per week. The continuation of a behavior This

repetition can have a negative impact


There are several things that make an individual become addicted to online game play, namely rewards or

rewards gained from playing games, the relationships formed by individuals with other players, and finally the

real environment offered by

game, so that individuals can feel included in the game In this case, the rewards obtained from online games
are in the form of different levels upgrades and new equipment, obtained easily and without the need waiting

for long. However, as the level increases, the reward increases given the longer the time period. Time that

required to level up also increases. Player equipment others who look more great often cause desires to
Factors Affecting Online Game Addiction

1) Emotional Factor

The subjective experience felt by the individual as a result of involvement in the game. When a player becomes forgetful of activities

others and players tend to play games to get rid of the feeling bored, stressed or angry so that he feels better when

already playing games A

4) Technology Development

The development of online games cannot be separated from technological developments computers and computer networks themselves.
By maximizing

facilities and easy to get them whether it can be in the form of gadgets, mobile phones and personal computers, there are more and more users

online games. Although some games offer games thatIt's

difficult and quite complicated, but it's still something for them pleasure in itself. Especially now, millions of games have emerged which is

easy to access. Both from their personal gadgets to game centers. Because of this convenience, they will be very fast

adapting to these games causes addiction

Lifestyle (Lack of Activities, Habits or Hobbies) Inability to set priorities for important activities Others also cause addiction to online

games. Then online games are used as a coping strategy for problems namely a means to escape or ignore problems

happens in real life, over time the activity of playing games online has become the most important activity in life so dominate thoughts,

feelings and behavior. Usually individuals who If you don't have enough activities and don't have friends, you will look for it

other activities to overcome boredom. Play games serve as escape because you feel bored and bored over time habit. Individuals who spend a

lot of time for

activities related to the internet other activities outside of online will reduce.
02 PIG 3

From this we can conclude that online games are a medium that has many positive and negative

impacts. The need for provisions in using technology properly because technology is developing

rapidly from year to year so we have to sort and choose what is good and what is bad. Online games

can also make us addicted and harm ourselves. The influence obtained from online games on

underage children also greatly influences changes in behavior towards their processes in living life.

The role of parents is very important and necessary for the formation of children who are obedient

and behave according to existing norms.


There are lots of purposes for the presence of this online game, one of which is entertainment when you are tired it can even

be a job that can make money. Lots of YouTubers or streamers use games as an object for them to earn income. And that is a

point that is usually seen by underage children. The desire to become a professional player is so high that it causes addicted

people to play online games. Therefore. There is a need for self-awareness for adults to students about the limitations in

playing online games as well as the need for parental supervision and assistance in using children's devices. And for game

developers, it's best to need strict regulations and minimize dangerous scenes and be able to detect players who are

detrimental to each other so that a sportsmanlike game is created without any treatment of violence as well as paying

attention to the situations and conditions that are currently happening in the game world regarding the impact that is

happening. children so that these children are awake and do not imitate what they see
THANK YOU FOR attention

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