Lesson - 3,4 - Period 3

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Grade 11 Chemistry
Divide into groups using the chemical
elements given in your cards
Learning objective

• recall and be able to explain general trends in melting

and boiling points, atomic radius, first ionisation energy,
acid/base properties (recall and explain general trends using the
elements Na to Ar as exemplification)

Lesson objectives
-describe and explain general trends in melting point of elements across the
Period 3
-describe and explain general trends in atomic radii of elements across the
Period 3
-describe and explain general trends in conductivity of elements across the
Period 3
-describe and explain general trends in ionization energy of elements across the
Period 3

Fill the table using the appropriate terms

metallic Type of structure State of matter Properties of matter

giant covalent
simple molecular

Fill the yellow part of the table while
watching the video
Property Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Bonding and

Trend in
Melting points
Trend in
Atomic radii

solid, semiconductor, giant covalent, gas, conductor, Metallic structure,

Insulator, simple molecular

Match the following meanings with verbs and

Property Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Bonding / Metallic/ giant Covalent/ Covalent/ simple
structure metallic giant molecular
Electrical conductor semiconductor Insulator

states solid solid solid solid solid solid gas gas

Melting Increase → Decrease →

Electrical Increase → Decrease →
First Increase →
Atomic Decrease →
Period 3 Elements

Group work
Trends in Period 3

Assessment criteria Descriptors

A student:
-describe and explain general trends in - determine the proposed graphs characteristic of elements;
physical properties across the Period 3 - describe general trends in physical properties across the Period
3 using key words
- -explain general trends in physical properties across the Period
3 in terms of bonding and structure;
1)Determine the proposed graphs characteristic of elements of the 3rd period
(melting points, electrical conductivity, first ionization energy, atomic radii)
2) Describe each trend using verbs and terms given in previous task.
Use at least 5 words.

1-work individually to write any idea for each graph
2-then collaborate with group to make description of one graph.
3- show your description to other groups to assess
Assessment criteria Descriptors
A student:
-describe and explain general trends in - determine the proposed graphs characteristic of elements;
physical properties across the Period 3 - describe general trends in physical properties across the Period
3 using key words
- explain general trends in physical properties across the Period
3 in terms of bonding and structure;

Group work
Trends in Period 3

The melting point increases across the metals

of Period 3 from sodium to silicon, then drops dramatically
to phosphorous leading to slightly increase to sulfur then
the atomic radius decreases falls even further to the argon.
across Period 3

The electrical conductivity increases across the metals

In general, the first ionisation energy increases across of Period 3 from sodium to aluminium. The electrical
Period 3. But there are small ‘dips’ in the general
conductivity then drops dramatically to silicon, which is
trend across the period between Mg and Al, and
between P and S. described as a semiconductor, and falls even further to the
non-metallic insulators phosphorus and sulfur.
3)Explain the trends using the keywords below.
Instruction :
1-work individually to write any 5 idea or keywords to explain
the description of one graph
2-then collaborate with group to make explanation of one
3- write an explanation using at least 50 words on A3 paper.
4- show your explanation to other groups to assess

Assessment criteria Descriptors

A student:
-describe and explain general trends in
- determine the proposed graphs characteristic of elements;
physical properties across the Period 3
- describe general trends in physical properties across the
Period 3 using key words
- explain general trends in physical properties across the
Period 3 in terms of bonding and structure;
- explanation using at least 50 words

The atomic radius

Description: the atomic radius decreases

across Period 3.

Short explanation:
Across the period
• more protons
• outer electrons in same shell
• stronger pull due to more protons
pulling the electrons closer to the nucleus

Extended explanation:
Across a period, the number of protons (and hence the nuclear charge), and the
number of electrons, increases by one with each successive element. The extra
electron added to the atoms of each successive element occupies the same principal
quantum shell (energy level). This means that the shielding effect remains roughly
constant. So the greater attractive force exerted by the increasing positive nuclear
charge on the outer (valence) shell electrons pulls them in closer to the nucleus.
Hence the atomic radius decreases across the period.
the first ionisation energy (ΔHi1)

In general, the first ionisation energy increases across
Period 3. But there are small ‘dips’ in the general trend
across the period between Mg and Al, and between P
and S.
Extended explanation:
General increase
As you go across a period the nuclear charge
increases. But the electron removed comes from
Shortly explanation:
the same shell. So, the force of attraction between
General increase the positive nucleus and the
• more protons outer negative electrons increases across the
• smaller atoms period because:
• stronger attraction from nucleus to outer i the nuclear charge increases
electron ii the distance between the nucleus and the
Mg to Al dip (difference in subshell) outer electron remains reasonably constant
• Mg electron from s orbital, Al from p
iii the shielding by inner shells remains
• p orbital higher energy than s orbital reasonably constant.
P to S dip (spin pair repulsion)
• S from orbital with 2 electrons, P from
orbital with 1 electron
• extra electron-electron repulsions for S 15
Extended explanation:
Mg to Al dip (difference in subshell)
There is a slight decrease in ΔHi1 between Mg and Al. Although Al has one more proton
than Mg, there is a slight decrease in ΔHi1 on removal of the outer electron. Mg has the
electronic structure 3s2 and Al has the electronic structure 3s2 3p1. The thirteenth
electron in Al must be in the 3p subshell, which is slightly further away from the nucleus
than the 3s subshell. There is less attraction between the thirteenth electron in Al and the
nucleus because:
i the distance between the nucleus and the outer electron increases slightly
ii the shielding by inner shells increases slightly
iii these two factors outweigh the increased nuclear charge.

Extended explanation:
P to S dip (spin-pair repulsion)
There is a slight decrease in ΔHi1 between phosphorous and oxygen. Sulfur has one more
proton than phosphorous and the electron removed is in the same 3p subshell. So, you
might think that ΔHi1 would increase. However, the spin-pairing of the electrons plays a part
here. If you look back at Figure on the right, you will see that the electron removed from the
phosphorous is from an orbital that contains an unpaired electron. The electron removed
from the sulfur is from the orbital that contains a pair of electrons. The extra repulsion
between the pair of electrons in this orbital results in less energy being needed to remove an
electron. So, ΔHi1 for sulfur is lower, because of spin-pair repulsion.

Electrical conductivity
The electrical conductivity increases across the
metals of Period 3 from sodium to aluminium.
The electrical conductivity then drops
dramatically to silicon, which is described as a
semiconductor, and falls even further to the
non-metallic insulators phosphorus and sulfur

Na, Mg and Al
Metals have delocalized ‘sea of electrons’ which acts as mobile charge carriers.
The number of delocalized electrons increases across the period, hence electrical
conductivity increases.
Si is a metalloid which behaves as a semiconductor. Because there are no
delocalised electrons free to move around within its structure. However, by
heating some covalent bonds coulde be broken up and produce delocalised
electrons to slightly conduct electricity.
P4, S8, Cl2, Ar
Non-metals are made up of simple discrete molecules/atoms, and hence do not
have mobile charge carriers to conduct electricity. 18
Melting point
The melting point increases across the metals
of Period 3 from sodium to silicon, then drops
dramatically to phosphorous leading to slightly
increase to sulfur then falls even further to the

Shortly explanation:
Na, Mg, Al
• High as strong metallic bonding
• Al > Mg > Na as from Na to Al have smaller ions, higher charge on metal ions and more
delocalised electrons
• Very sigh as giant covalent and need to break many strong covalent bonds to melt
P4, S8, Cl2
• Low as simple molecular with weak van der Waals’ forces
• S8 > P4 > Cl2 as S8 has most electrons so strongest van der Waals’ forces
• Monatomic so very low bpt as very weak van der Waals’ forces between atoms
Melting point

Extended explanation:
Na, Mg, Al
Melting point increases from sodium to magnesium to aluminium. This can be
explained by the number of electrons each metal donates into the ‘sea’ of delocalised
electrons and the increasing charge on the metal ions in the giant metallic lattice. Each
sodium atom donates just one electron, forming Na+ ions in the lattice, whereas each
aluminium atom donates three electrons, forming Al3+ ions. This makes the metallic
bonding in aluminium stronger, as the electrostatic forces of attraction between
its 3+ ions and the larger number of negatively charged delocalised electrons holding
the giant structure together are stronger.

Melting point

Extended explanation:
The element in the centre of Period 3,
silicon, has the highest melting point
because of its giant molecular structure
(also called a giant covalent structure). Every
silicon atom is held to its neighbouring
silicon atoms by strong covalent bonds. It
needs more energy to break up these
covalent bonds.

Melting point

Extended explanation:
P4, S8, Cl2 Ar
The elements to the right of silicon are all non-metallic elements. They have
simple molecular structure. Sulfur exists as S8 molecules with 128 electrons,
phosphorus as P4 molecules with 60 electrons and chlorine as Cl2 molecules
with 34 electrons. Although the covalent bonds within each molecule are
strong, there are only relatively weak van der Waals’ forces between their
molecules . More electrons in a molecule makes more stronger the van der
Waals’ forces. S8 has most electrons so it has strongest van der Waals’ forces
among these simple molecules. Therefore, it does not take much energy to
break these weak intermolecular forces and melt the elements.
Argon gas has just 18 electrons exists as single atoms with very weak van der
Waals’ forces between these atoms.
Trends in Period 3
Describe the change in physical properties in Period 3.

Explain them in terms of bonding and structure:

Property Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Bonding and

Melting points

Atomic radii

Assessment criteria Descriptors

A student:
-describe and explain general trends in - explain general trends in physical properties across
physical properties across the Period 3 the Period 3 in terms of bonding and structure;
- describe general trends in physical properties across
the Period 3 using key words
Which of the followings has greater atomic radius
Li or Be?

Which of the followings has greater first ionization energy
O or N?
Explain your reason.

There is a slight decrease in ΔHi1 between nitrogen
and oxygen.
Oxygen has one more proton than nitrogen and the
electron removed is in the same 2p subshell. So, you
might think that ΔHi1 would
increase. However, the spin-pairing of the electrons
plays a part here. If you look back at Figure on the
right, you will see that the electron removed from
the nitrogen is from an orbital that contains an
unpaired electron.
The electron removed from the oxygen is from the
orbital that contains a pair of electrons. The extra
repulsion between the pair of electrons in this orbital
results in less energy being needed to remove an
electron. So, ΔHi1 for oxygen is lower, because of
spin-pair repulsion.
The Periodic Table – melting and boiling points

Period 3 Why do you

see this trend?

The Periodic Table – melting point of Period 3 elements
• Melting involves breaking up (not breaking down) the lattice
structure of a solid, and depends on the structure and the type of



The Periodic Table – electrical conductivities

Why do you
see this trend?

The Periodic Table – electrical conductivities
• Na, Mg and Al
• Metals have delocalized ‘sea of electrons’ which acts as mobile
charge carriers. The number of delocalized electrons increases
across the period, hence electrical conductivity increases.
• Si
• Si is a metalloid which behaves as a semiconductor.
• P4, S8, Cl2, Ar
• Non-metals are made up of simple discrete molecules/atoms, and
hence do not have mobile charge carriers to conduct electricity.

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and events of experience. future impact of
experience, the experience
objectively. on you and the


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