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Academy of Technology

Department: CSE Semester: 5th

Paper Name: Object Oriented Programming Paper Code: PCC-CS503

Power Point Presentation on [Features of Java]

Presented by

Name of the Student: Supratik De University Roll No.:16900121103

To fulfill the requirement of Continuous Assessment 1 [CA1] of B. Tech / MCA Course.

Features of Java

A PowerPoint
Overview of the different features of Java

High performance
 Java is an object-oriented programming language, which
means that it models real-world objects as classes and
 This makes Java code more organized and easier to
 Object-oriented programming also allows for code
reuse, which can save time and effort.

 Java code is compiled into bytecode, which can be run on any

platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
 This makes Java code portable and easy to deploy.
 Java is a popular choice for developing mobile apps, web
applications, and enterprise applications.
 Java is a secure language because it has built-in security
features, such as bytecode verification and sandboxing.
 Bytecode verification ensures that the bytecode has not
been tampered with, and sandboxing prevents malicious
code from accessing the rest of the system.
 Java is a good choice for developing applications that
need to be secure, such as banking applications and e-
commerce applications.
 Java is a robust language because it has been designed
to be resistant to errors.
 For example, Java has automatic garbage collection,
which frees up memory that is no longer being used.
 Java also has a strong type system, which helps to
prevent errors caused by incompatible types.
 Java is a good choice for developing applications that
need to be robust, such as mission-critical applications.

 Java is a multithreaded language, which means that it can run

multiple tasks simultaneously.
 This makes Java a good choice for developing applications that
need to be responsive, such as web applications and games.
 Multithreading can also improve the performance of applications
by allowing them to take advantage of multiple CPUs.
 Java code is interpreted by the JVM, which means that it
is not converted into machine code until it is executed.
 This makes Java code slower than compiled languages,
but it also makes Java code more portable.
 Interpreted languages are also easier to debug, because
the source code is available at runtime.
High performance

 Java is a high-performance language, especially when it is used

with a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler.
 A JIT compiler compiles Java bytecode into machine code at
runtime, which can significantly improve the performance of Java
 Java is a good choice for developing applications that need to be
both portable and high-performance.

Java is a powerful and versatile language

with many features that make it a good
choice for a variety of applications.
Its object-oriented nature, platform-
independence, security, robustness,
multithreading, interpreted nature, and
high performance make it a popular
choice for developers around the world.


Java™ : The Complete Reference,by

Herbert Schildt

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