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Henri René

Albert Guy de
The Piece of
Guy de Maupassant (5 August 1850 – 6 July 1893)
was a 19th-century French author, considered as a
father of the modern short story, as well as a
representative of the Naturalist school, who depicted
human lives, destinies and social forces in disillusioned
and often pessimistic terms.
He wrote 300 short stories, six novels, three travel
books, and one volume of verse. His first published
story, "Boule de Suif" ("The Dumpling", 1880), is
often considered his most famous work.
A Country Excursion, Afloat, Ghosts, Old
Mongilet, An Old Man, Châli, Rust, A Million
(Un Million), The Necklace, Useless Beauty, A
Vendetta, Two Friends, Suicides, Pierrot, The
Piece of String.
I. Mr. Hubert
II. Mr. James


V. George
"The Piece of String" by Guy de Maupassant is a
short story set in a small Norman village in France. The story
focuses on the character of Mr. Hubert, an old peasant who
becomes embroiled in a scandal when he is falsely accused of
stealing a pocketbook.
The story begins on an autumn market-day in
Goderville, where Hubert is about to enter the square when he
sees a piece of string on the ground. He picks it up, but is
embarrassed when he realizes that his enemy, Mr. Manana, the
local harness maker, has seen him do it. Hubert hides the string
in his pocket and continues on to the market.
Later that day, Hubert is having lunch at a local tavern
when the town crier announces that a pocketbook containing five
hundred shillings has been lost by Mr. James. Hubert is later
summoned to see the mayor, who accuses him of stealing the
pocketbook. The only witness to the alleged theft is Manana.
Hubert vehemently denies the accusation, insisting that
he found only a piece of string and not a pocketbook. However,
no one believes him, and he is searched but no pocketbook or
large sum of money is found on him. The mayor dismisses him,
but warns that he will consult a higher authority on the matter.
Hubert returns to the village and tries to clear his name
by telling anyone who will listen that he only found a piece of
string. However, no one believes him, and he is shunned and
mocked by his peers.
A week later, the pocketbook is found and returned to its
rightful owner. Hubert is overjoyed and returns to the market to
tell everyone the good news. However, he is met with disbelief
and mockery once again. He becomes angry, dejected, and
confused, unable to understand why no one believes him.
Hubert becomes increasingly fixated on clearing his
name and proving his innocence. He becomes ill and bedridden,
and in his delirium, he repeatedly utters the phrase "a little bit of
The story ends with Hubert dying alone and
misunderstood by his community. The theme of the story is the
injustice of reputation and prejudice, and how one's past actions
and reputation can shape how others perceive them.
Throughout the story, Hubert is a sympathetic character
who is victimized by the small-mindedness of his community.
He is an old man who has lived a hard life, and his only crime is
picking up a piece of string. However, his past reputation as a
crafty and cunning peasant has created a prejudice against him,
and he is unable to clear his name despite his best efforts.
The other characters in the story are unsympathetic and
quick to judge Hubert. They are suspicious by nature and ready
to think the worst of him, and they relish in mocking and
ridiculing him. Even when he is proven innocent, they continue
to doubt him and refuse to believe his version of events.
The story is a commentary on the human tendency to
judge others based on their past actions and reputations, and how
difficult it can be to overcome these prejudices. It is a poignant
and tragic tale that explores themes of injustice, prejudice, and
the human condition.
 Appetizing Mouth watering, Inviting,
Tempting, Exciting hunger
 Appetite Hunger, Desire to eat
 Cease End, Stop, Finish
 Impatiently Excitedly, Anxiously
 Inhabitants Residents, Dweller, Setters
 Stout Fat, Corpulent, Big, Heavy
 Terrified Horrified, Frightened, Scared
 Credence Reliance, Trust, Faith
 Furiously Angrily, Crossly, Indignantly
 Exasperating Annoying, Irritating, Enraging
 Salvation Redemption
 Choke Suffocate, Smother, Stifle
 Indignation Anger, Fury, Rage, Wrath
 Take away Deprive, Harm
 Public Prosecutor Government legal advisor
 Curiosity Inquisitiveness
 Presentation Display, Demonstration, Show
 Rascal Scoundrel, Rouge, Dishonest
 Incredulity Disbelief, Distrust, Doubt,
 Engrave Carve, Inscribe
 Shameful Disgraceful, Humiliating
 Disgrace Dishonor, Humiliation,
 Consume Obsess, Overwhelm,
 Amuse Enjoy, Please, Entertain
 Delirium Madness, Insanity, Mental
disturbance, Hysteria, Frenzy
 Reiterate Say again and again
 Withstand Resist, Face, Oppose,
Combat, Stand up to
 Havocs Devastation, Ruin, Ravages
i was seen with a pocket book who saw me mr.
manana the harness man saw you pick up the pocket

“I was seen with a pocket book?

Who saw me? Mr. Manana, the
harness man, saw you pick up the
pocket book”.

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