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• The cytoskeleton is an integral cell component present in all
cells (except most bacterial species).
• It is the basic unit of the cell maintaining its structural
• Cytoskeleton is holds the organelles in place, or moves
them and aids in cell movement.
• The cytoskeleton is made up of a network of fibers
composed of proteins.
• The term "cytoskeleton" refers to the filamentous structures
• Although it appears to be fixed, it is actually an ever-
changing dynamic configuration, with components regularly
destroyed, repaired or newly formed.
• Prokaryotic cytoskeleton is a recent discovery
& unwise choice for a presentation
• Eukaryotic cytoskeleton is made up of three
structures, each with their own design and
1. Microfilaments
2. Intermediate filaments
3. Microtubules
The cytoskeleton is also composed of some motor proteins–

These proteins move through the microtubules carrying the
cellular components. They drag the organelles through the cell

These drag the cell organelles toward the nucleus.

These interlink with actin protein and are responsible for
muscle contractions. They also perform exocytosis,
endocytosis, cytokinesis
• Monomers of the protein actin
polymerize to form long, thin fibres i.e.
G-actin polymerising to form F-actin
• These are about 7 nm in diameter and,
being the thinnest of the cytoskeletal
filaments, are also called
• They represent the active or motile part
of the cytoskeleton.
• The concentration of actin in the
body’s non-muscle cells add up to
10% of net protein.
• There are three types of actin
filaments- α, β, & γ of which only α is
found in muscle cells.
• They serve as tracks for the movement of a motor protein
called myosin, which can also form filaments. For instance, in
animal cell division, a ring made of actin and myosin pinches
the cell apart to generate two new daughter cells.
• Actin and myosin are also plentiful in muscle cells, where they
form organized structures of overlapping filaments called
• Actin filaments may also serve as highways inside the cell for
the transport of cargoes, including protein-containing vesicles
and even organelles.
• Actin filaments can assemble and disassemble quickly, and this
property allows them to play an important role in cell motility
• A network of actin filaments is found in the region of
cytoplasm at the very edge of the cell. This network is linked to
the plasma membrane by special connector proteins, gives the
cell shape and structure .
• Tough protein fibres in higher eukaryotic cells.
• Mostly between 8-10 nm in diameter.
• Named ‘intermediate’ for their moderate size between
smaller actin filaments and massive microtubules.
• Intermediate filaments are made from several filamentous
proteins staggered and wrapped together.
• They can also be anchored between membranes for extra
• Intermediate filaments come in a number of different varieties,
and made up of a different type of protein.
• Intermediate filaments are more permanent and play an
essentially structural role in the cell. They are specialized to bear
tension, and their jobs include maintaining the shape of the cell
and anchoring the nucleus and other organelles in place.
• There are 4 types of
intermediary filaments, each
with its own mass and function:
• Type 1: Acidic, neutral & basic
Keratin (40-70 Kd) in epidermal
derivatives and epithelial cells
• Type 2: Vimentin (53 Kd),
Desmin (52 Kd), Synemin (230
Kd), Glial filaments (45 Kd) in
muscle and Glial cells
• Type 3: Neurofilament proteins
(60-130 Kd) in Neurons
• Type 4: Nuclear lamins (65-75
Kd) in Nuclear lamellae
• Found in all eukaryotes, either free in cytoplasm or form part of
centriole, cilia and flagella.
• High densities of microtubule in axon & dendrites of nerve cells.
• Microtubules are the largest of the three types of cytoskeletal
fibers, with a diameter of about 25nm.
• A microtubule is made up of tubulin proteins arranged to form a
hollow, straw-like tube, and each tubulin protein consists of two
subunits i.e. α-tubulin and β-tubulin.
• Microtubules are dynamic structures, they can grow and shrink
quickly by the addition or removal of tubulin proteins.
• Microtubules have directionality, meaning that they have two ends
that are structurally different from one another.
• In a cell, microtubules play an important structural role, helping
the cell resist compression forces.
• Microtubules are also key components of three more specialized
eukaryotic cell structures: flagella, cilia and centrosomes.
• Determine variety of cell movements (cell locomotion,
intracellular transport of organelles, separation of
chromosomes during mitosis)
• Determine intrinsic polarity of cells and motility

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