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News item

1 Nadin ia' natul selvi sofiana


2 4
Fanny indah lestari shalum shahizah
1. Definition
news item
News item is a text which used to inform readers
, listeners,or viewers About events of the day which are
considered newsworthy or important. we often find it in a
newspaper because the passage often tells the readers about
great, important, interesting,tragic, entertaining,or fresh incident
or events that all people should know about it.
•example of news about an
Generic structure

a. Newsworthy event(s) : recount the event

2 purpose
in summary form.
b. Background event(s) : elaborate what
happened,to whom,in what circumstance.
to inform readers c. sources: comments by participants in ,
about events of the day
witnesses to, and auth
which are considered
orities expert on the event .
newsworthy or
example Seven Killed in Accident on Jalan Sultan

*Newsworthy event
Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car and a truck at 10:35
p.m. on Jalan Sultan last night.
*Background event
The dead were all passengers in the car. Police believe the car may have been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truc
coming from the opposite direction. The driver of the car may not have been using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see t
car approaching.

The police said the car should not have been trying to pass the bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Jalan Sultan. In addition, the police reported
that the car-a small Japanese car-should not have been carrying more than five people. The names of the victims are not yet known.
4. characteristics of news

1 The language used is

short, but concise and
The tense commonly used in this text is Past
Tenses because the events described have 3
already happened. However, it does not rule
focuses on an event. out the possibility of using the present tense.

2 Usually use verbs to show

activity (action verbs), such as:
This text also uses saying 4
verbs, such as: said, stated,
push, hit, jump, crash, and so reported, and so on
B the expression asking for and giving
information,suprise and disbelief

1.the expression Asking for and giving information

the expression of asking for and giving information is a kind of
expression to express and take important news or information. here
are the examples of ask for and give information expression ,as
follow .

a. where are you from? i am from Bandung,west java.

b. what do you do for living ?i am teacher
C. how old are you? i am 17 years old now.
d. which house do you live in
B the expression asking for and giving
information,suprise and disbelief

2. the expresssion suprise and disbelief

Suprise is a sudden unexpected event.it is the act of suprising someone .while disbelief is the act
of suprise and Disbelief expression, as follow
a.i don't/can't believe it
b.Oh really
c.it isn't true, is it
d. you're joking!/ You must be joking
any Question ??
thank you

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