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Principles of

Principles of
Principles of Design
1. Harmony
2. Variety
3. Rhythm
4. Proportion
5. Balance
6. Movement
•This refers to the wholeness of
the design, the pleasing
arrangement of parts, and the
agreement between parts of a
composition, resulting in a
united whole.
It pertains to the
assortment or diversity of
a work of art.

It is the regular,
repeated pattern in
the elements of art. It
is a flow, or feeling of
movement, achieved
by the distribution of
visual units in time.

Elements in a work of
art should have a
relationship with one
another. This
relationship is called

Pertains to the even

distribution of weight.
It is the principle that
deals with equality.


This is a fundamental
principle in choreography
and the theatre arts.

Various Art Forms Found in the Philippines

Pre-Colonial Art
Through migration and trade during Pre-Colonial Period, there
was a lively cultural interchange between the Philippines and
other Asian countries. This helped Philippines to develop their
own way of living, their own culture such as pottery, weaving,
wood carving, jewelry, etc. That they could use for their everyday
I. Paintings
Introduced by Spaniards during 16th century. They use paintings as
religious propaganda. Painting refers to the process of applying color on
a flat surface. Forms can be created using a wide variety of materials
such as watercolor, acrylic, ink, oil, pastel, and charcoal. Surfaces for
painting include wood, canvas, cardboard, and paper. Painting is
considered two-dimensional, meaning it only has height and width.
Forms of painting
1. Easel Painting
2. Murals
3. Telon Painting
4. Jeepney and Calesa Painting
5. Collage
The easel painting is
perhaps the most common
form of painting which
involves applying color to a
board or canvas that is
fixed on an upright support
called an easel. These are
meant to be framed and
hanged on a wall after
creating them.
A mural is described as a
huge wall-sized painting used
to impart messages to the
public. A new form of Mural
which is a portable mural, was
developed in order to prevent
the mural from being erased
from the wall which was
created by using bold strokes
in applying bright colors on
pieces of cheesecloth or
A telon is described
as a backdrop or
background for the
stage which are used
for komedya, sarswela,
and sinakulo, the
popular forms of
theater in the country.
Jeepney and
Calesa Painting
The calesa is typically
painted using one color. The
borders of the calesa are
decorated with geometric
patterns, repetitive patterns,
and/or thin lines.
Jeepney painting evolved
from calesa painting. In a
typical jeepney, a logo,
number, or painting is
covered near the driver’s
seat, as well as near the seats it
This refers to a form of
painting that involves
combine images in a
single artwork. This
entails cutting and
pasting materials such
as paper, fabric, tin foil
and other relatively flat
materials onto a board
or canvas.
II. Dance
Refers to the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to
music and within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea
or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement
Types of Filipino Dance
1. Banga
2. Lumagen or Tachok
3. Salisid
4. Malakas at Maganda
5. Binaylan
6. Tinikling
7. Singkil
8. Pangalay
Illustrates the grace and strength of women in
the Kalinga tribe of Cordillera Autonomous
Region (CAR). Women performing the Banga
balance heavy pots on their heads while
dancing to beat of wind chimes.

It is performed to celebrate happy
occasions. When Lumagen is
performed, it is meant to symbolize
flying birds and is musicallypaired to
the beat of gongs.

Lumagen or Tachok
It is the dance to show courtship. In
the Salisid dance, a male and a female
performer represent a rooster
attempting to attract a hen.

It is a national folklore dance. It tells
the story of the origin of the Filipino
people on the islands.

Malakas at Maganda
The Binaylan dance, tells the story of a
hen, the hen's baby, and a hawk. In this
dance, the hawk is said to control a
tribe's well-being, and is killed by
hunters after attempting to harm the
hen's baby.

Take two long bamboo sticks rapidly
and in rhythm, clap sticks for dancers
to artistically and daringly try to avoid
getting their feet caught between

In this dance, there are four bamboo
sticks arranged in a tictac-toe pattern
in which the dancers exploit every
position of these clashing sticks. It is
identifiable with the use of umbrellas
and silk clothing.

It is a traditional Tausug dance, from
Jolo and Tawi-Tawi, characterized by
elaborate body postures and gestures
and the graceful arm and hand
movement of the dancer, amplified by
the use of janggay or metal claws. The
dance is performed to the music of the
kulintangan, gandang, agong and
Pangalay gabang. Commonly referred to as the
fingernail dance, Pangalay is usually
performed during weddings and other
festive celebrations.
III Weaving
Weaving is a method of textile production in which two
distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced at right angles
to form a fabric or cloth. Other methods are knitting,
crocheting, felting, and braiding or plaiting. The longitudinal
threads are called the warp and the lateral threads are the
weft, woof, or filling. (Weft is an old English word meaning
"that which is woven"; compare leave and left.) The method
in which these threads are inter-woven affects the
characteristics of the cloth.
Textile Weaving

•This refers to the process of

creating cloth by interweaving a
series of parallel vertical threads
with another series of horizontal
threads at right angles
Mat Weaving

•This refers to the art of “plaiting

strips of organic fibers into mats”.
These mats, locally known as banig,
are cool, light, and portable
compared to fixed beds.

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