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A short question at the end of statement

They are mainly used in speech when we
want to:
 confirm that something is true or not,
 to encourage a reply from the person we
are speaking to.
Question tags are formed with the auxiliary
or modal verb from the statement and the
appropriate subject.
Rumus Question Tag
 Ketika kalimat pernyataan
menggunakan linking verb
“be” (is, am, are, was, were),
maka pertanyaan pun
menggunakan be.
 Jika kalimat pernyataan
menggunakan primary auxiliary
verb (be, do, have) atau modal
auxiliary verb (will, would, may,
might, can, could, shall,
should) maka pertanyaan
menggunakan auxiliary verb yang
pertama (jika ada lebih dari satu).
 Jika kalimat pertanyaan
menggunakan main
verb selain linking verb “be” dan
tanpa didamping auxilary
verb, maka “do/does/did” akan
digunakan dalam
membuat question tag.
 Jika kalimat berupa larangan atau
perintah, maka pertanyaan diawali
dengan “will you”.
 Jika kalimat pertanyaan menggunakan
subjek tak spesifik seperti nobody,
everybody, no one, dan everyone, maka
kamu harus
menyematkan “they” dalam question tag.
 jika kalimat awal negatif, question tag
harus positif. Sebaliknya, jika kalimat
awal positif, question tag harus berbentuk
positif. Contoh:
The weather is nice outside
today, isn’t it?
The clouds aren’t coming
back, are they

Kalimat positif kalimat negatif She is a nurse, isn’t she?

Kalimat negatif kalimat positif You don’t fast, do you?

Negative words* Kalimat positif He never comes back, does he?

I am aren’t I I am brilliant, aren’t I?

I am not am I I am not a kid, am I?

Let’s (let us) + V1 shall we Let’s dance together, shall we?

Perintah will you Give me a chance, will you?

Larangan will you Don’t blame me, will you?

Indefinite pronoun
they Someone took my book, didn’t they?

Indefinite pronoun
It Something went wrong, didn’t it?

Modal positif modal negatif She can swim, can’t she?

Modal negatif modal positif Mark shouldn’t come, should he?

This/that it This is yours, isn’t it?

These/those they These are your books, aren’t they?

There (subject) there There is water on the floor, isn’t there?

 Keterangan:

 *Negative words
No, not only, neither, never, seldom, rarely,
scarcely, barely, hardly ever, …
 **Indefinite pronoun person (kata ganti
orang yang tidak jelas)
Someone somebody
Everyone everybody
Anyone anybody
No one nobody
 ***Indefinite pronoun non-person (kata
ganti benda yang tidak jelas)

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