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To Intervention
Brenda Nunez (2130)
• It is a way that schools identify if a student is studdling in a subjected and the
student is provided with extra help as they need it.
• There is 3 levels of RTI Tier
• Tier 1
• Is when students might come cross material they struggle with, but
they easily overcome it. With little to no academic fail.
• Tier 2
• Students fall into tier 2 when they are slightly or significantly behind
their peers, but with they help you see better improvement in a few
• Tier 3
• Is when the students is extremely behind and in some school
considered special education.
How is it helping?
• The screening the school is doing to the student has not taken more
they 5 minutes all the reports will be provided to the parents.
• The student will be place in there recommend place of help.. They
will evaluate their reports to make sure everything is up speed with
the grade level they are in and age.
• If the school sees something out of normal the parent will be
informed, and the students will be place in classes to help them more
and improve their grades.
• All testing are used with all the 1,263 students in the
Elementary School.
McIntosh County
• Established there RTI in 2006 as a stated wide school
improvement plan to help students father understand.
• They provided RTI to ensure the development of the
students' education.
• Mcintosh County School are providing series of fast and
easy screenings that nationally normed the key to
literacy such as reading.
Work cited page
• RTI - Lowndes County Schools

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