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Bekerja dengan deadline

2. Waktu adalah uang - Time Is Money
3. JADILAH Leader yang mampu mengatur waktu menjadi
lebih efektif dan efisien
Qualities of good Time Management

• Clarity of thinking pemikiran yang jelas

• Decisiveness ketegasan
• Good memory ingatan yang bagus
• Determination penentuan
• Punctualy tepat waktu
• Calmness ketenangan
• Objectivity objektivitas
• Rationaly rasional
Qualities of poor Time Manager

• Missed deadline
• Bekerja Sering Lembur
• Tidak tahu mana yang prioritas
• Sensitive, stress
• Tidak punya waktu untuk pribadi
• Takut mendelegasikan tugas
• Tempat kerja berantakan
• Serba last minutes
• Tidak details
Eisenhower Matrix
Delegation Action Steps
1. Plan the delegation
2. Select the person
3. Make the Delegation
4. Follow through
1. Plan the Delegation
in plan the delegation you must consider

• Objective , target
• Completion dates/standart, tanggal penyelesaian task
• Authority, otoritas
• Resources (money, staff, equipment)
• Feedback Frequency , frekuensi timbal balik
• Person to Delegate, orang
2. Select the right person
• Who the work logically belong, logis
• Who has interest or the ability , memiliki ketertarikan & kemampuan
• Who will it challenge, menerima tantangan
• Who will it develop, berkembang dan mempunyai keinginan belajar
• Who is the best qualified, kualifikasi
• Who is do the best job, hasil kerja terbaik
• Who has been missed, pernah melakukan kesalahan
3. Make the Delegation
to communicate the delegation you must

• State the task, penyampaian

• Result expected, hasil yang diharapkan
• Find the standard, temukan standar/tolak ukur
• Achieve time frame, waktu pencaian
• Training needed, training yang dibutuhkan
• Level of authority, tingkat otoritas
• Tell other involved who is in charge, keterlibatan
4. Following Through
follow through by

• Keep the feedback frequency

• Respect level authority
• Open communication
• Offer support, praise and encourage, dukungan,
pujian dan dorongan
• Interrupt when in the wrong direction

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