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Alcoholism problems in

Angely Pacheco
Adrian Puche
Isabella Molina
Samuel Corrales
Lounge: 9-2
• Over time, too much alcohol demages brain cells. This can lead to
behavior problems and permanent damage yo memory, thinking, and
• Teenagers who drink tend to do poorly in school and their behaviors
can get them into trouble
Alcohol disorder
• Alcohol use disorder is a disease that causes: Craving: A strong urge to
drink. Loss of control: Inability to stop drinking once started Negative
emotional state: Feeling anxious and irritable when not drinking.
Cause of alcoholism
• The depression
• Sometimes the severe type is called alcoholism or alcohol
dependence. Alcohol use disorder is a disease that causes: Craving: A
strong urge to drink. Loss of control: Inability to stop drinking once
Consequences of alcoholism
• In some people, a history of alcohol use in adolescence may increase the likelihood
of developing alcohol use disorder, and it is associated with mental health disorders
such as anxiety and depression during adolescence and later in life.
• Reckless driving while intoxicated.
• The appearance of problems with studies, which can lead to school failure.
• The consumption of other types of drugs and their mixture with alcohol.
• The increase in aggressiveness and the exercise of violent behaviors.
• The total disinhibition that can carry out committing illegal and vandal acts.
• The loss of control of himself reaching the point of not knowing how to say "no".
To prevent alcoholism


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