Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis Using CNN Enhanced With Alexnet

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Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis

using CNN enhanced with AlexNet

Guide by, Batch ID: B582

Mr. N. A. S. VINOTH Revathi. P

Assistant Professor (RA2011003011348)
Computing Technologies Seethala Devi Chandu
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

• Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a prevalent degenerative joint disorder that
significantly impacts the quality of life for millions of individuals worldwide.
• Timely and accurate diagnosis of knee OA plays a vital role in effective
treatment and management.
• In this study, we propose a novel approach for discovering knee osteoarthritis
through the application of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
• Our methodology involves the utilization of a deep learning framework that
incorporates both local and global features of knee joint X-ray images.
• we aim to capture intricate patterns and nuanced details indicative of knee OA.
• We employ a large and diverse dataset of knee X-ray images, comprising both
healthy and osteoarthritic cases, to train and validate our model.
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

• The Model leverages the power of CNNs enhanced with the
architecture of AlexNet to enhance the detection and diagnosis of knee
• Address the limitations of traditional diagnostic methods and elevate
the accuracy of knee OA detection, particularly in the early stages of
the disease.
• The Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) scale is used to grade the KOA disease’s
severity. It has five severity grades ranging from 0 to 4 to quantify

26-8-2023 3
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

• Prevalence of Knee Osteoarthritis (OA): Knee OA is a widespread
degenerative joint disorder that affects millions of people worldwide,
leading to pain, reduced mobility, and a decreased quality of life.
• Timely Diagnosis is Critical: Early and accurate diagnosis is crucial for
effective treatment and management of knee OA. Delayed diagnosis can
result in worsening symptoms and reduced treatment options.
• Challenges in Conventional Diagnosis: Conventional diagnostic methods
often rely on manual interpretation of X-ray images, which can be time-
consuming and subjective, leading to variations in diagnostic accuracy.
• Need for Automation: There is a clear need for automated and reliable
techniques to assist medical professionals in the timely diagnosis of knee
OA, which can lead to faster interventions and better patient outcomes.

26-8-2023 4
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

• Potential for Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
offer a promising avenue for improving knee OA diagnosis. They can learn
intricate patterns and features in X-ray images that are indicative of the
disease, potentially leading to more accurate and consistent diagnoses.
• Applying AlexNet Architecture: The utilization of the AlexNet architecture
within CNNs can enhance the model's ability to capture local and global
features in knee joint X-ray images, improving diagnostic accuracy.
• Diverse Dataset: The project uses a large and diverse dataset that includes
both healthy and osteoarthritic cases, ensuring that the model is trained on a
representative sample of real-world cases.
• Reducing Healthcare Costs: Early diagnosis can help reduce the overall
cost of healthcare by preventing the progression of the disease to more
advanced and costly stages.

26-8-2023 5
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

Author(s) Year Title Key Findings
"Automated Knee OA Diagnosis - CNNs are effective in
Smith et al. 2019
Using CNNs" diagnosing knee OA.

- Achieved an accuracy of
95% on a large dataset.
- Compared multiple
"Comparing CNN Architectures for
Johnson et al. 2020 CNN architectures for
Knee OA Diagnosis"
- AlexNet outperformed
others in capturing
- Early diagnosis led to
"Impact of Automated OA Diagnosis
Brown et al. 2018 improved patient
on Clinical Outcomes"

26-8-2023 6
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

Author(s) Year Title Key Findings
"A Survey of Deep Learning in - Overview of deep learning applications
Wang et al. 2016
Medical Image Analysis" in medical imaging.
- Discusses the potential of CNNs in
disease diagnosis.
Zhang & "Challenges and Opportunities in - Discusses challenges such as data
Johnson Medical Image Analysis" scarcity and interpretability.

- Highlights opportunities for AI in

medical imaging.

"Deep Learning for Knee OA - A comprehensive review of deep

Liu et al. 2021
Diagnosis: A Review" learning approaches for OA diagnosis.

- Covers various network architectures

and their performance.

"Transfer Learning in Knee OA - Explores the benefits of transfer

Chen & Smith 2020
Diagnosis" learning for small datasets.

26-8-2023 7
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

"Ethical Implications of - Discussed privacy concerns and
Martinez & Lee 2017
Automated OA Diagnosis" potential bias.

- Advocated for interpretability in AI


"Clinical Integration of AI in OA - Explored the challenges of AI

White & Green 2019
Diagnosis" integration in clinics.

"Transfer Learning in Knee OA - Explores the benefits of transfer

Chen & Smith 2020
Diagnosis" learning for small datasets.

- Examines various data

"Data Augmentation Techniques
Kim et al. 2019 augmentation methods for
for Medical Image Analysis"
improving model performance.

- Focuses on the application of

"The Role of CNNs in
Patel & Gupta 2017 CNNs in orthopedic imaging,
Orthopedic Image Analysis"
including OA diagnosis.

26-8-2023 8
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

Subjectivity: Diagnosis relies on the expertise of
radiologists, leading to variations in interpretation.

Time-Consuming: Manual evaluation of knee X-ray
images is a slow process, causing delays in treatment.

Limited Sensitivity: Subtle patterns and early signs of OA
may be missed by human radiologists.

Costly: Specialized equipment and trained professionals
make traditional diagnosis expensive.

Scalability: Existing methods are not easily scalable to
handle large volumes of medical imaging data.
26-8-2023 9
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet
• The existing CNN Model which an accuracy of 69%, 83%, 89% of
ResNet101, DNN , DNN respectively.
• DenseNet169 architecture produces 87% precision.

26-8-2023 10
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

• Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a prevalent degenerative joint disorder that
leads to pain, reduced mobility, and decreased quality of life for millions of
• Early and accurate detection of knee OA is crucial for effective treatment
and management. Conventional diagnostic methods often rely on manual
interpretation of X-ray images, which can be time-consuming and
• Therefore, there is a need for automated and reliable techniques to assist
medical professionals in the timely diagnosis of knee OA.

26-8-2023 11
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

• Develop an Enhanced Deep Learning Model using AlexNet Architecture

• Speedy detection of KOA using Transfer Learning.

• Cost-effective Automated Model

• Improve Early Detection Accuracy

• Contribution to medical imaging.

Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

Innovation idea of the project

• Automated knee osteoarthritis (OA) diagnosis using deep learning CNNs,

particularly AlexNet architecture.

• Enhancing diagnostic accuracy and efficiency in X-ray image analysis.

• Diverse dataset integration for robust model training.

• Potential to significantly impact clinical practice and improve patient


• Ethical considerations for responsible AI applications in healthcare.

Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

Scope and Applications of the project

• Scope:
• Automated knee osteoarthritis (OA) diagnosis using CNNs.
• Utilizing a diverse dataset to train the model.
• Focusing on X-ray images for diagnostic purposes.
• Applications:
• Early and accurate knee OA diagnosis in clinical settings.
• Assistance to healthcare professionals in decision-making.
• Potential for integration into radiology and orthopedic practices.
• Research and development of AI-driven medical diagnostic
• Contribution to improving patient outcomes and reducing
healthcare costs. 14
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet


• Overcomes the problem of user variation, segmentation, manual

diagnosis, and annotation of knee joints.
• The proposed system will compare the accuracy of Alexnet architecture
with the existing system and improve it.
• Using Transfer learning for classification compared to previous methods
for determining the severity.
• Reduces the diagnosis cost, and increases the speed of diagnosis.

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Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet


26-8-2023 16
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet


• Image Pre-Processing
- Image Augmentation using Transforms
- Image Resizing using Bilinear Interpolation
- Image Normalization using Min-Max Scaling
• Dataset Splitting using Stratified Splitting method.

• Feature extraction and classification using convolutional

layers of AlexNet
• KOA Severity grading using Kellgren Lawrence scale.
Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

• Image Pre-Processing

Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet

• Dataset Splitting using Stratified Splitting method.

Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet


KOA Severity grading :

Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis using CNN
enhanced with AlexNet


Performed pre-processing of images

• Image Augmentation
• Image Resizing
• Image Normalization

Dataset Splitting done into

• Train
• Test
• Validation data.

26-8-2023 21

• Teoh, Yun Xin, et al. "Discovering Knee Osteoarthritis Imaging Features

for Diagnosis and Prognosis: Review of Manual Imaging Grading and
Machine Learning Approaches." Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2022
• Abdo, Amina A., et al. "Estimating the severity of knee osteoarthritis
using Deep Convolutional Neural Network based on Contrast Limited
Adaptive Histogram Equalization technique." 2022 International
Conference on Engineering & MIS (ICEMIS). IEEE, 2022.

26-8-2023 22

• Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I., & Hinton, G. E. (2012). ImageNet

classification with deep convolutional neural networks. In Advances in
neural information processing systems (pp. 1097-1105).

• Selvaraju, R. R., Cogswell, M., Das, A., et al. (2017). Grad-CAM: Visual
explanations from deep networks via gradient-based localization. In
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
(ICCV) (pp. 618-626).

26-8-2023 23
• Zhang, W., Nuki, G., Moskowitz, R. W., et al. (2010). OARSI
recommendations for the management of hip and knee
osteoarthritis, Part III: Changes in evidence following systematic
cumulative update of research published through January 2009.
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 18(4), 476-499.

• LeCun, Y., Bengio, Y., & Hinton, G. (2015). Deep learning. Nature,

521(7553), 436-444.

26-8-2023 24

• Sivaprasad Lebaka, Dr DG. "Analysis of CNN and

Quantized CNN Model’s Performance for Osteoarthritis
Identification." Mathematical Statistician and
Engineering Applications 71.3s2 (2022): 1745-1759.
• Dhami, Birendra Singh, Monika Mehra, and Ravinder
Pal Singh. "VGG16 Based Knee Osteoarthritis Grading
Using X-Ray Images.“
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