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• is a “level of psychological well-being, or an
absence of a mental disorder”

• it includes social, emotional, and psychological well-

being and has an influence on how an individual
thinks, feels, and behaves

• it helps determine how people handle stress,

socialize with others, and come up with decisions
and choices
Factors that contribute problems to mental health issue

1. Family Situations
2. Socioeconomic Factors
3. School-related Factors
4. Peer Pressure
‘Mental health’ and ‘mental illness’ are increasingly being used
as if they mean the same thing, but they do not.

Everyone has mental health, just like everyone has health.

As the World Health Organization famously says, “There is no

health without mental health.”

In the course of a lifetime, not all people will experience a

mental illness, but everyone will struggle or have a challenge
with their mental well-being just like we all have challenges
with our physical well-being from time to time.

 Disorder of emotion or mood  Self-images, body images,

(sadness, hopelessness, misery,
inability to enjoy). On Cognitive  Separation of parents,
aspects symptom manifest by emotionally unavailable
negative conditions about self, world
and future. On Motivational parents, parents who have
symptoms are loss of interest, lack of high marital conflict, and
drive, and difficulty on starting in parents with financial
anything. On somatic symptoms are problems. Poor personal
loss of energy, sleep difficulties loss of
appetite and weight loss /gain. relationships, experiencing
peer rejection.
 Extraordinary weight  Feeling negatively
loss about their bodies and
highly motivated to
look like same-sex
figures in the media
Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa
 Persistent pursuit of  Binge eating and
thinner built through then purges by self-
hunger. Intense fear of
gaining weight. Weighing inducing vomiting or
less than what is using a laxative.
considered normal to
their age and height.
 Over worrying about  Genes likely play a role
future events and in causing anxiety, as
fear is a reaction to well as the home,
current events. neighborhood, school,
and other
environmental factors.
Separation Anxiety Disorder
 Excessive anxiety felt by children when their parents
leave them. They may worry that something bad might
happen to their parent or to someone else they love.
Refuse to go to school or they may be unable to go to
sleep without a parent being present. They may have
nightmares about being lost or kidnapped. They may
also have physical symptoms like stomach aches,
feeling sick to their stomach, or even throwing up out
of fear.

 Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

 The condition in which has many worries
and fears. They have physical symptoms
like tense muscles, a restless feeling,
becoming tired easily, having problems
concentrating, or trouble sleeping.
Social Phobia
 It involves worrying about social situations, like
having to go to school or having to speak in class.
Symptoms may include sweating, blushing, or
muscle tension. Often overly sensitive to criticism
and have trouble standing up for themselves. Has
low self- esteem, become easily embarrassed,
and become very shy and self- conscious.
 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
 Frequent, uncontrollable thoughts ("obsessions")
that are unreasonable. These thoughts come into
their mind a lot. They then need to perform
certain routines or rituals ("compulsions") to try to
get rid of the thoughts. Children and adolescents
with this disorder will often repeat behaviors to
avoid some imagined outcomes.
 Panic Disorder
 When they feel very scared or have a hard
time breathing and their heart is pounding.
They may also feel shaky, dizzy, and think
they are going to lose their mind or even die.
The teen or child may not want to go to school
or leave the house at all because they are
afraid something awful will happen to them.
 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
The symptoms include jumpiness,
muscle tension, being overly aware of
one's surroundings (hypervigilance),
nightmares, and other sleep problems.
Feeling like they are "re-living" the
traumatic experience.
Instruction: Put A check mark under the column yes or no for each item

Test your Mood Yes No

Do your feel sad, depressed or down most of the time?

Are you unable to enjoy the things that once gave you pleasure?

Do you feel tired and/or lack energy most of the time?

Do you have trouble sleeping or do you sleep too much?

Do you find it difficult to concentrate or make decisions?

Have you had feelings of worthlessness or guilt?

Have you felt frightened or panicky for no apparent reason at all?

Instruction: Put A check mark under the column yes or no for each item
Test your Mood

Have you felt restless and found it difficult to sit still?

Have you been feeling anxious or worried?

Have you felt like you just cannot go on or had thoughts of death or dying?

In a narrative form, write your analysis based on your answers on

the activity about your present mental health condition.

Eustress Distress
 is positive stress for  is negative stress because it
could give harmful
it is helpful—it implications to the individual,
motivates the such as anxiety and
depression; discourages the
individual to keep on individual from becoming
working and reach productive; and could cause
emotional, physical, and
for the goal. psychological problems.

Cataclysmic events
 are strong stresses that suddenly occur and may
simultaneously affect many people (Feldman,
2010). Natural disasters like typhoons, coding,
global warming effects, and earthquakes are
examples of this kind of stressors—likewise,
man-made troubles such as terrorist attacks,
ship or plane crash, and bombings.
 2. Personal stressors
 refer to conditions, events, situations, or anything
that causes stress to an individual. It could be
positive or negative stressors such as marrying,
death of a loved one, getting a new job or job loss,
starting and ending class, transferring to new
schools, leaving old friends, and many others.
Moreover, stress occurs when the individual is
experiencing frustration, pressure, or conflict.
 Background stressors
 or daily hassles (Feldman, 2010) are also referred to
as displeasures that could be encountered every day,
such as standing in the long line while waiting for the
train, stuck in heavy traffic, noise, and pollution of the
environment. Another background stressor is
experiencing dissatisfaction with school or a job,
being in an unhappy relationship, or living in crowded
quarters without privacy.
 On your body • On your mood • On your
 Headache behavior
 Muscle tension or pain
• Anxiety • Overeating or
 Chest pain • Restlessness undereating
 Fatigue • Angry
 Change in sex drive
• Lack of motivation or outbursts
focus • Drug or
 Stomach upset • Feeling overwhelmed alcohol misuse
• Tobacco use
• Irritability or anger
• Social
• Sadness or depression withdrawal
Instruction: Write your activities before you went to sleep on Wednesday and
Day Time Went to Sleep What was I doing before I went to bed? Did this affect what time you
went to seep?

Example: Yes No

Wednesday 11:00pm Playing online games /

Watching television /
Browsing facebook /
Talking on the phone /
Messaging friends /
Hanging out with friends /
Reading lessons /
Playing a sport /
Doing household chores /
Taking care of siblings /
Working on part job /

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