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Dairy Husbandry

Branch of agriculture which deals

with the feeding, breeding, housing

and health care of dairy animals for

getting maximum benefits.

Shri Parshottam Rupala (Gujarat) - Hon'ble Minister
of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
Smt. J. Chinchu Rani

Minister for

Animal Husbandry &

Dairy Development

Milk Co-operatives


Kerala Veterinary &

Animal Sciences
India ranks first in
 Total Livestock Population
 Milk Production
 Cattle Population
 Buffalo Population
 Carabeef Production
 Goat Milk Production
 Total Bovine Population

World Leaders in cattle production - BRAZIL

Lets understand………………..
 Livestock : includes cattle, buffalo,
sheep, pigs, goats, horses, donkeys,
mules, llamas, and camels.
 Livestock : excludes poultry.
 The Bovidae family comprises of cloven-
hoofed, ruminant mammals that
includes cattle, bison, buffalo,
antelopes, and caprines (sheep and
 Cattle belong to the genus Bos. Cattle
may be cows, bulls, oxen, or calves.
 A cow's scientific name is Bos taurus
(European) and Bos indicus
 Water buffalo's scientific name is
Bubalus bubalis.
GVA : Gross value added
Percentage Distribution
of Total Livestock as per
20th Livestock Census

 Cattle : 36.04 %
 Buffalo : 20.47 %
Livestock Census

 First livestock census in India was conducted as Dairy Cattle Census in 1919.
 Livestock Census 2019 was 20th Livestock Census. Livestock Census takes place at
every five years interval (Quinquennial)
 Key Highlights
• Total livestock population: 536.76 million (showed an increase of 4.6% over Livestock
• Total poultry population: 851.81 million (showed an increase of 16.8% over Livestock
• Milch animals: 125.75 million
• Total bovine population: 303.76 million
• Total cattle population: 193.46 million
• Total indigenous/non-descript cattle: 142.11 million
• Total exotic/crossbred cattle: 51.36 million
• Total buffalo population: 109.85 million
 Total stray cattle population: 5.02 million
Highest indigenous milch cows : Uttar Pradesh
Highest cross-bred or exotic cows : Tamil Nadu
Highest cattle population : West Bengal
Value output from livestock rearing
Indigenous : has specific
specialisations and
production capacities

Non-descript : lack any

unique characteristics and
are very low producers.
India is the world’s largest producer and consumer of milk

Total milk production in India 198.4 million metric tonnes

Per capita milk avalilability in 406 g/day
Kerala milk production (2019- approx 25.42 lakh metric
2020) tonnes
Per capita milk availability in 198 g/day
 Wayanad :Highest milk producing district
in Kerala

 Uttar Pradesh : highest milk producing

state in India

 Consumption pattern of milk in India

Liquid milk- 46%
Butter - 6.5%
Curd -7%
Khoa - 5.5%
Milk powder – 3.6%
Cheese -2%
Other products -1.4%

1. Dairying provides a stable income throughout the year.

2. Important secondary source of income for rural families.
3. Livestock play a good role in recycling of roughages into
useful products.
4. Dairy production improves the family diet and reduces
food cost:
5. Can do cattle husbandry practices within the available
spaces surrounding their residence.
6. Dairying aids in maintaining soil fertility.
7. Milk has a strong market demand
8. Effective utilization of family labour

 Dairying has high labour requirement

 Capital investment is high:

 Risk involved in dairy production:

 Practical training on dairy is essential to start a dairy farm.

 Milking requires skilled labour:

 Milk is a highly perishable commodity:


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