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1. A 25-year-old Brazilian man presents with a history of decreased vision in his left eye
for 1 week. Visual acuity is 20/70 and moderate vitritis is present. On dilated
examination, a pigmented scar in the posterior pole with adjacent focal white
chorioretinitis is present. What
most appropriate indication for treatment for this case? Lesions 1 disc diameter in size
a. Presence of active lesion
b. Persistence of disease for 1 month
c. Lesions threatening the optic nerve or fovea
d. Lessions associated with vitreous inflammation  +3 or +4
A 24-year old man presents with progressively-worsening vision in the left eye for the
past 3 weeks. He complains of floaters, photophobia, and redness in this left eyE.
Dilated fundus exam of the left eye is seen in the photograph below. The patient refuses
to take any oral medications to treat this condition. Which of the following intravitreal
medications could possibly be used for this patient's condition?

a. Intravitreal clindamycin and dexamethasone

b. Intravitreal foscamet or ganciclovir
c. Intravitreal amphotericin B with or without corticosteroids
d. Intravitreal vancomycin and ceftazidime
A 24-year old man presents with progressively-worsening vision in the left eye for
the past 3 weeks. He complains of floaters, photophobia, and redness in this left
eyE. Dilated fundus exam of the left eye is seen in the photograph below.Which of
the following represents the most appropriate initial therapy for the patient?

a. Topical corticosteroid and cycloplegic drops only

b. Intravenous acyclovir
c. Triple therapy with pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine, and folinic acid
d. Intravenous ganciclovir
15. A 24-year-old man came to ophthalmologist with chief complain blurred and floaters in his left eye.
Ophthalmology examination showed 1+ vitreous cells. Funduscopic examination revealed opadfication of retina
with area of hemorrhage, exudate and necrosis along the vascular arcade. CD4 count were 40 cells/mm and
anti-HIV was positive. What is the most proper therapy for this patient?
a. Oral valgancyclovir
b. Intravenous acydovir
c. Intravenous foscamet
d. Intravitreal gancyclovir
AAO 9, chapter 11 , hal 256
e. Intravenous valcydovir
20. A 10-year-old girl come to the outpatient clinic with complaint blurred vision of both eyes since 1 month.
She was suffered from intermittent joint pain since 1 year. Ophthalmologic examination reveal visual acuity of
RE 5/30 and LE 5/60, mild anterior chamber reaction with fine KPs, posterior synechiae, and posterior
subcapsular cataract, and 2+ vitreous cells. Apart from the gender and supporting ancillary result, another risk
factor for the development of uveitis in this patient is:
a. Age of onset of arthritis
b. Duration of joint pain
c. Number of joint involvements
d. Previous immunosupressive therapy AAO 9, chapter 8, hal.142
Seorang Wanita 45 tahun datang dengan keluhan mata kanan merah dan nyeri. Didapatkan Riwayat operasi
daging tumbuh di mata yang sama. Didapatkan injeksi silier di daerah nasal disertai penipisa sklera, dan
tampak bayangan jaringan uvea. Bila tidak didapatkan hasil lab yang abnormal, diagnosis :
a. Scleral dellen
b. Scleral thinning
c. Infectious scleritis AAO 9: 121, AAO 8: 394
d. Scleromalacia perforans
e. Surgically induced necrotizing scleritis

Terapi :
a. NSAID sistemik
b. Steroid sistemik
c. Antibiotik sistemik
d. Tetes mata lubrikan
e. Imunomodulator topical
A 25 y.o woman with both red eye since a week ago. She has gone a swimming pool
before. VOD 6/21, VOS 6/15, mild hyperemia, scant, mucopurulent discharge, follicular in
the lower palpebral conjunctiva & fornix. The most possible cause of this condition :
a. Chlamydia serotype D-K
b. Trachoma serotype A-C
c. N. gonorrhoae
d. H. influenza
e. Grup D streptococcus

Therapy :
a. Azithromicyn 500mg single dose
b. Doxycycline 100mg twice a days for 7 days
c. Erythromicyn 500mg twice a days for 5 days
d. Cefotaxime 500mg single dose
e. Ciprofloxacin 500mg twice a days for 5 days
1. Pasien dengan gejala scleromalasia nekrotikans non inflamasi dengan gambaran coin lesion
+ cavity di foto thorax. Pemeriksaan tambahan apa yang perlu dilakukan?
a. ANA
b. RF
c. Pemeriksaan TB
e. (lupa)
2. Pasien dengan gejala scleromalasia nekrotikans non inflamasi dengan gambaran coin lesion
+ cavity di foto thorax. Terapi apa yang sesuai?
a. Kortikostreoid
b. Anti TB
c. Antibiotic
d. …
e. …
13. Laki-laki, 57 tahun mengeluh mata kiri merah sejak 4 bulan yang lalu, tidak terasa sakit. Visus OD 6/7.5, OS 6/30. OD terlihat tenang,
OS dengan gambaran penipisan kornea di dekat limbus pada jam 3-7 tanpa interval lucid. Hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium anti-HCV
positif. Diagnosis klinis pasien ini adalah:
AAO 8 hal 382
A. Marginal ulcer
B. Viral ulcer
C. Rosacea ulcer
D. Mooren ulcer
E. Peripheral ulcerative keratitis
13. Laki-laki 57 tahun mengeluh mata kiri merah sejak 4 bulan yang lalu, tidak terasa sakit. Visus OD 6/7.5, OS 6/30. OD
terlihat tenang, OS dengan gambaran penipisan kornea di dekat limbus pada jam 3-7 tanpa interval lucid. Hasil
pemeriksaan laboratorium anti-HCV positif. Tatalaksana farmakologis kelainan mata pasien ini adalah:
A. Siklofosfamid kombinasi dengan metilprednisolon peroral
B. Levofloksasin peroral kombinasi dengan pemberian topikal AAO 8 hal 78

C. Azitromisin peroral dengan kombinasi steroid topikal

D. Valasiklovir peroral kombinasi dengan pemberian topikal
E. Interferon (IFN) kombinasi dengan metavir intravena
26. A 19-year-old woman with a known history of anorexia nervosa presents with symptoms of severe dry eye. On
examination, there is wrinkling of the conjunctiva, heavy staining with lissamine green, and beading of tears along the
conjunctival surface. A deficiency in what component of the tear film is responsible for these findings?
a. mucin
b. immunoglobulin E
c. lipid
d. lactoferrin

27. A 62-year-old man with a known history of rosacea presents with ocular symptoms of bilateral redness and
irritation. Examination shows thickened meibomian secretions, eyelid margin telangiectasia, and marginal keratitis.
Past medical history is also significant for atrial fibrillation, for which he takes warfarin, and 2 myocardial infarctions.
What oral medication would pose the least risk for adverse reaction in this patient?
a. minocycline
b. erythromycin
c. doxycycline
d. azithromycin
29. A 25-year-old contact lens wearer presents for evaluation of 4 weeks of severe ocular pain (right eye) and photophobia.
The slit-lamp examination is notable for diffuse limbal injection, a 3-mm epithelial defect, and an amorphous stromal
infiltrate. An adjacent corneal nerve exhibits a dense white-blood-cell reaction following the length of the nerve. What is
the most likely etiology?
a. bacterial
b. viral
c. fungal
d. protozoal

30. What is the best surgical option in a patient with a 360° conjunctivalization of the cornea after a unilateral chemical
a. limbal conjunctival autograft
b. penetrating keratoplasty (PK)
c. allogeneic limbal stem cell transplantation
d. keratoprosthesis
e. simple limbal epithelial transplantation (SLET)
33. The use of IMT in treatment of uveitis is warranted for consideration in the following settings, except:
a. vision-threatening intraocular inflammation
b. inadequate response to corticosteroid treatment
c. corticosteroids contraindicated because of systemic problems or intolerable adverse effects
d. long-term corticosteroid dependence
e. renal and hepar dysfunction

34. Ocular manifestations of SLE

a. Retinal and choroidal vasculopathy
b. secondary Sjögren syndrome
c. scleritis
d. All answer are wrong
e. All answer are right
1.Trauma kimia, palisade of vogt hilang, diagnose? (LSCD, sebabnya aniridia (PAX6))
2.Wanita muda, MGD, telangiectasis, trikiasis, ada edema kornea parasentral dengan NV.
Tatalaksana bila kondisi margo memburuk: (Dk: Rosacea?)
a. IPL (intense pulse light therapy).... azytromicin, doxicycline
b. Everting suture
c. Kauterisasi
d. LTS
3. Soal nomor 2, terapi sistemik
a. Azithromisin,doxycyline
b. Metronidazole
c. MP
d. Amoxiclav
e. Prednisone
4. Lensa kontak dipakai tidur 3 hari. Ulkus hipopion, sekret banyak. Kemungkinan penyebab?
a. Pseudomonas Aerugenosa
b. S. aureus
5. Terapi nomor 4
a. Tobramisin tiap jam
b. Vankomisin tiap jam
c. Natamisin tiap 3 jam
6. Ulkus jamur, ada fusarium, feathery edge. Terapi?
a. Natamisin 5%
b. Oral itraconazole
c. Amfoterisin B (yeast, candida, aspergillus)
9.Pasien skleritis berulang sudah sering pakai steroid tidak membaik. Ada bayangan coklat di sklera. Ada benjolan di leher 1 tahun.
b. LP
c. Chest x ray
d. USG tiroid
e. CT thorax

10. Soal no 9 yang bisa buat visus turun?

a. Keratitisperifer
b. Vasculitis
c. Sinekia/seklusio

12. Patofisiologi dari kelainan soal di atas??

a. vaskulitis
b. oklusi pembuluh darah

13.Usia 50, diagnose mooren. Ulkus perifer, nyeri, ukuran 10mm. Terapi awal?
a. Observasi dan Lubrikan
c. Lamellar keratoplasty
d. Reseksi konjungtiva
e. Conjungtival flap

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