Devops: K.Anusha

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• What is devops?
• Lifecycle of devops
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
• Conclusion
What is Devops?

• Devops is a software development strategy which bridges

the gap between the development and operations side of
the company.
Life cycle of Devops
1. Continuous Development.
2. Continuous Testing.
3. Continuous Integration.
4. Continuous Deployment.
5. Continuous Monitoring.
Continuous Deveolpment:
• This stage involves

• planning : you get requirement from the client you start

planning your application.

• Coding : these are multiple developers who write the code for
that particular application.

• Building/pacakaging : pack/build the code into a executable

Continuous testing:

• This is the stage where the developed software is

continuously tested for bugs.

• Tests multiple code thoroughly in parallel to ensure that

there are no flaws in functionality.
Continuous Integration:

• This stage is the heart of the entire devops life cycle.

• Continuous integration is a DevOps software
development practice where developers regularly merge
their code changes into a central repository, after which
automated builds and tests are run.
Continuous deployement :

• This is the stage where the code is deployed to the

production servers. It is also important to ensure that the
code is correctly deployed on all the server.
Continuous monitoring:
• This is very crucial stage of the devops life cycle where
you continuously monitor the performance of your
application. Here vital information about the user is
processed to recognise the proper functionality of the
memory serves not reachable, etc are resolved in this
Before Devops Vs After Devops
• Predictability-decrease the failure rate of new product
• Maintainability-improves over all recovery rate.
• Improved quality-improves quality.
• Have low risk.
• Cost efficient.
• Have more stability.
• Streamlined deliver process.
• Complexity
• Lack of standardization
• Resistance of Change
• Security concern
• Integration Challenge
In Conclusion:

• Devops is not only important to speed up the software

development ,but also improves the quality of the
software. Devops brings a new mindset, practices and
smart tools which together accomplish that goal.

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