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Functions in Bash

• A function, also known as a subroutine in programming languages is a

set of instructions that performs a specific task for a main routine.
• functions can be called anytime and repeatedly
General Syntax:
1.Syntax 1:
function function_name
##### set of commands

2.Syntax 2:
#### set of commands
echo "My function works!"
The function only works if it is declared before your main routine. The
interpreter will return an error if you have declared your function after your
main routine.

echo "testing my function"

echo "My function works!"
Passing parameters on functions
Notice in our example, we added the values "Hello" and "World" after
we called the myfunction. Those values are passed to the myfunction as
parameters and stored in a local variable.

• Note: The 1 and 2 in our example are local variables and thus, are not
accessible to other parts of the script aside from the function where
the parameters are being passed
Returning Values from Functions
• bash functions can pass the values of a function's local variable to the
main routine by using the keyword return. The returned values are
then stored to the default variable $? For instance, consider the
following code:
Note: Shell scripts can only return a single value.
Command Line Arguments in Bash
$0 , $1 $2 $3 … bash Parameters
• These are special parameters and has specific meaning according to
the number. These parameters are useful if you want to validate
executing file name and do the processing based on the arguments.
$0 : bash Shell argument 0, It expands into bash script file name or
bash shell.
$1 $2 $3 … : bash shell argument number : Used to get the specific
argument from the script.
$* – bash Parameter
$@ bash parameter
$# bash parameter

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