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Prof. Estrella T. Arroyo, Ed.D
Dean, College of Liberal Arts
University of Saint Anthony, Philippines

• Character is the bedrock of human society.

• The unwritten language that binds civility
and social interactions in life and living of
• Take away character and the law of the
jungle prevails
• The development of Science and Technology and
the coming of Internet and Social Media had
altogether altered so many things in the life of man
• You can create “Something out of Nothing”
• This is the paradigm shift that re-evaluates the
basic concepts on natural sciences and even on the
way of life.
• The smart phones, computer, FB are testimonials that
out of the power of man’s brain, you can fashion a
utility and if that utility is a need or a want of man, you
can easily create a demand.
• Character is what makes us either a nobody or a
standout human being.
• The greatest architecture, it is said, is building character.
• A sense of belonging is also a crucial component in
• One aspect of character education that we need to
impart regardless of culture, race, or religion is that we
are all brothers and sisters living on one Planet Earth
Character Building and Mental Development – Domain
of the Educational System

• How successful are we in imparting character building

to our students?
• We can only do a part in shaping and influencing the
minds of the students for the duration of their stay in
the classroom and in the campus.
• The greatest parts that impact on them lies in the
family, peers, and the community
• But a strong character education imparted at an early
age is a lifetime guidepost carried through old age

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