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What is Stress ?

According to MC Grath, A person experiences stress when situation is preceived as presenting a demand which threatens exceed the persons capabilities and resources for meeting it




Alarm Reaction :- An initial shock phase of lowered resistance is followed by counter shock during which an individuals defence mechanisms are activated. Resistance :- It is a stage of maximum adaptation when the individual restores the equilibrium. Exhaustion :- If the stressor continuous or defence mechanism falters, individual moves to this stage.

Causes / sources of stress at work :

1. Factors intrinsic to the job :- In which factors intrinsic to the job which causes stress. This factor include : too much or too little work, time bound pressures and deadlines, having to many decisions to make fatigue from physical strengths of the work environment, excessive travels, long hours, need to copy with change and consequences of making mistakes. 2. Relationship at work :- The nature of relationships with ones boss, subordinates and colleagues also from a major source of stress poor relation involve low trust, low supportiveness and low interest in listening to any dealing with organizational problems of the members. The members feel more stress if the boss is low on consideration.

3. Career Development :- There are two major clusters of stressor relating to career development.
a. Lack of job security b. Status in incongruity 4. Extra organizational sources of stress:- the extra organizational sources of stress are varied including family problems, life crises, financial difficulties, conflict between personal and companies belief and conflict between families and companies demand 5. Organizational structure and climate :- This source of stress involves perception of being in the organization and threat to ones freedom, autonomy and identity, specifically such stressors include little or no participation in decision making.


1. Relaxation

2. Time management
3. Role management 4. Support group

Relaxation :- Coping with stress requires adaptation. Proper relaxation is an effective way to adapt. A recent study found that peoples attitude toward a variety of work place characteristics improved significantly a vacation. Time management:- Time management is often recommended for managing stress. The idea is that many daily pressures can be eased if a person does a better job of managing time. Role management:- The individuals works to avoid role overload, role ambiguity and role conflict. if a worker doesn't know what is excepted of him, he should ask for classification from his boss. A worker should except extra work if he feels that he would be able to do that Support group :- It is a group of friends or family members with whom a person can share his feelings, supportive family and friends can help peoples cope with routine types of stress as an ongoing basis.

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