Agree or Disagree, Strongly

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• gjøre rede for andres argumentasjon og bruke og følge opp andres innspill i samtaler og
diskusjoner om ulike emner


• I would rather stay home and chill with netflix than go to the cinema.
• Cellphones/mobilephones are ruining society.
• We should make it more difficult to have an abortion
The legal drinking age should be lowered to 16.
• Prostitution should be legal.
• It is OK to fantasize about someone else when I'm with my partner.
• If something at a yard sale is far more valuable than the posted price, you should let the
seller know.
• The world would be a better place without religion
• You are old once you turn 30.
• Violence is never the answer.
• It is unfair to move into better (open) seats at a sporting event or a cinema!
• should there be a 10% absence limit for students at school?
• We should legalize assisted suicide.
• School uniforms should be required.
• I would accept the gift of immortality.
• Teachers should give the students homework
• Capital punishment should be incorporated into the Norwegian justice system.
• Human cloning and any related research should be banned.
• Animal testing should be banned.
• Mixed martial arts should be banned.
• It is never appropriate for the government to restrict freedom of speech.
• We should allow more refugees to enter the country.
• Everyone should be a vegetarian.
• Everyone should be allowed to carry guns.
• Social media is bad for children.
• Popcorn is the best cinema snack.
• Should abortion be legal in Norway?
• Norwegians are rude.
I would rather have few friends and be rich than the opposite.

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