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Escola secundaria Frei Gonça



Iara Fernandes nº12

Inês Costanº13
Júlia Domingues nº16
Kássia Aguiar nº17
10º grade

●Typical food
●Traditions/ celebrations
●Other languages
●Touristic attractions
● Localization: Canada is in North America
● Capital: Ottawa
● Largest city: Toronto
● Total Area : 9,984,670 km2
● Population (2021): 38,148,000
● Monetary Unit: Canadian dollar (can$)
● Government:
Monarch: Queen Elizabeth II
Governor General : Mary May Simon
Prime Minister: Justin Trudeau
Typical food:
● Tourtière
A savoury meat pie commonly eaten during the
holidays (but is popular year round). Recipes
vary regionally and by family, but pork, veal,
beef and game are popular choices of meat to fill
the pie.

• Bannock
Bannock is a simple bread that was once a
key staple in the diets of Canada’s
Aboriginal people. Modern takes on
bannock include baked versions (which are
heavy/dense) and fried versions (which are
crispy and fluffy on the inside)
Typical food:
• Beavertails
A slab of delicious, deep-fried
dough, covered in a variety of
toppings like Nutella, Reese’s
Pieces, peanut butter and more

● Butter tarts
They’re made by taking flaky pastry
shells and filling them with a butter,
sugar and egg filling.
Traditions / celebrations:
● May 2-4 or Victoria Day
● Victoria Day is a holiday in 7 provinces and 3 territories, where it is a
day off for the general population and schools and most businesses
are closed.

● ST Jean Batiste Day

● St. John the Baptist Day is a national holiday celebrated in Quebec.
Many French-speaking Canadian communities outside Quebec also
celebrate St. John the Baptist Day. The festivities take place on June
23 and 24.

● Calgary Stampede
● The Calgary Stampede is a 10-day annual rodeo, exhibition and
festival held every July in Calgary
Other languages:
The official languages of canada are :
● English: 86.2% canadians have working knowledge
● French: 29.8% canadians have working knowledge

Immigrant Language in Canadá:

● Mandarin(592,040 speakers)
● Cantonese(565,270 speakers)
● Punjabi (501,680 speakers)
● Spanish (458,850 speakers)
● Arabic (419,890 speakers)
● Tagalog (431,380 speakers)
● German (384,035speakers)
● Italian( 375,635 speakers)
Touristic attractions: Niagara falls
Touristic attractions: CN Tower
Touristic attractions: Vancouver Island

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