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Metal Age

Metal changed the
- The age of metals
are divided into the
Copper age, Bronze
age, and Iron age
Copper Age
Copper Age
During the Copper Age,
people discovered how to
extract and use copper to
make tools and weapons.
Copper is a soft metal that
can be easily shaped and
molded. It was a big
advancement for people at
that time because they
could now make sharper
and more effective tools.
Bronze Age
Bronze Age
In the Bronze Age, people learned
how to combine copper with
another metal called tin to create a
stronger metal called bronze.
Bronze is harder and more
durable than copper, so it made
even better tools and weapons.
This was a significant
development because it allowed
people to create more complex
and efficient tools for farming,
hunting, and warfare.
Iron Age
Iron Age
During the Iron Age, people
discovered how to extract and use
iron to make tools and weapons.
Iron is even stronger and more
durable than bronze, so it was a
major improvement. Iron tools
and weapons were much more
effective and long-lasting, which
helped people in various aspects
of their lives, such as agriculture,
construction, and defense.
Houses, Trade
and commerce
Early settlements are made of
huts, then evolved to stone and
Jobs and trades like Metal
crafts, commerce, and cattle
raising, agriculture, and
pottery were very important.

Crafting trade are improved

in this time, as well as
commerce and trading of
goods started to develop

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