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As far as “Feminism” is concerned,it is the word used for females.If we call someone as a feminist,it means he raises voice for
feminism.It can also be simplified in these words that he fights for the basic rights of women.But “Addiction To Feminism” is
totally a different phrase.It completely makes a different sense.If we think a little bit about this phrase,we come to assume that it
might be a phenomenon of falling in love to girls,falling in fake relationship towards girls.Of course if we are thinking of these
phenomenons,then we are on the right way.It is the phenomenon becoming diverse day by day in our society.Nowadays,it is
considered as a trap for many people.No doubt it has become a trap for people with low confidence.Low confident people,in order
to boost up their confidences can easily fall a prey to this trap.It is the only phenomenon destroying more lives nowadays.This is
all because of the modernities we have adopted nowadays in order to look fashionable and open minded.No doubt “open
mindedness” is considered as a good quality to boost up someone’s confidence but someone’s limits must be maintained.In this
way,we can save our lives from destruction.

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