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Presented by:-
Shreya Rai
Biraj Dahal
Prakriti Sherchan
Sushant Shakya

We would like to thank our social teacher Our group members have done their work
Amrita ma'am for giving us this opportunity to respectively and we will try our best to make
present our presentation. you understand.

Please listen very carefully. Don't draw on the screen. Please mute yourself
Table of content
• Introduction to Energy.
• Where do we get energy from?
• Why is Energy so important?
• Hydropower.
• Which was the first Hydropower in
• Hydropower potentiality of nepal.
• Power shortage.
• How can we minimize the problem of
power shortage.
Introduction to Energy
• Energy is one of the most important sources of energy.
• Industrial development is impossible without development of electricity.
• Electricity plays a vital role in the modern world.
• We use energy for various purposes.
• Industries require machinery and other heavy tools to produce manufactured goods.
• Electricity is a must needed thing to run those machinery and heavy tools.
Where do we get energy
• We get energy from different sources like:
Solar Power
 We also get energy from nuclear plant, petroleum,
biological and farm waste material e.t.c.
Why is energy so

• Energy plays an important role in our daily life.

• It is also needed for household work, to operate an
office, to run mechanical equipment in hospitals, to
run industries etc.
• Energy is essential to life and all living organisms.
The sun, directly or indirectly, is the source of all
the energy available on Earth.
• Developed country consume more energy, that's why
energy development is related to human peace and
prosperity and economic development.
• Hydro power is electrical energy
produced through the power of
moving water. Power obtained from
the movement of water.
• People have a long history of using
the force of water flowing in streams
and rivers to produce mechanical
• Hydropower was one of the first
sources of energy used
for electricity generation.
• Hydropower is fueled by water, so
it's a clean fuel source, meaning it
won't pollute the air like power
plants that burn fossil fuels, such as
coal or natural gas.

Which was the first
Hydropower in Nepal
• Hydropower was generated for the first time
in Nepal in 1968 BS during the time of
Chandra Shumsher in Pharping South of
Kathmandu. Pharping Hydro- power station's
capacity was 500 KW. The second
hydropower station was established in 1991
BS during the time of Judha Shumsher at
sundarijal in the north of Kathmandu
capacity, having the capacity of 640 KW.
Potentiality of
• There is tremendous potentiality in Nepal for
electricity production.
• There are plenty of rivers which flow continuosly
throughout the year in Nepal.
• It has the potential of producing 83,000 megawatt
• From the economic and technical point of view
around 40,000 MW hydropower can be produced.
• But till the date only 1,000 mege watt hydropower
has been produced.
• Majority of the power produced in Nepal has been
utilized only in cities, there is shortage of power in
remte areas.
Power shortage
• A power shortage is the loss of the electrical power network
supply to an end user. There are many causes of power
failures in an electricity network.
How can we minimize
the problem of power
• The lack of sufficient amount of electricity has
directly affected industries,trade, agriculture
sector etc.
• After the completion of some micro
hydroelectricity projects and control over leakage
and widespread corruption in this field,The
problem of power cut has been gradually
decreasing as well.
• We can minimize the problem of power shortage
in the following ways:
 Reduce the unnecessary use of electric power at
 Make the public of aware about properties of
electricity at home.
 Use less electricity consuming appliances.

 Turn off the switches of the used appliance

after the use is over.
 Use alternative sources of energy like
solar power like solar power, bio-gas,
wind power etc.
 Use bright colors or paints at home.
It's Quiz Time
• If you know the answer just unmute yourself.
• There is 20 second to answer.
Which is the first hydropower
of Nepal?

= Pharping Hydropower
Which was the second
Hydropower in Nepal?

= Sundarijal Hydropower Station.

What was the hydropower
capacity of First Hydropower
in Nepal?
= 500KW
= Judha Shumsher
Tell the production
Capacity of
Sundarijal = 640 KW
What is the Hydropower
potentiality of Nepal?

=83,000 MW
When was Pharping
Hydropower Established?

= 1968 BS
Who inaugurated
= Prithivi Bir Bikram Shah Dev

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