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Digital Marketing is modern way of

marketing Technique.
marketing is the old
way of marketing
We are and selling products and services by online marketing.
It also refers to the Marketing of any kind of business through
digital media and devices such as Google, Facebook, Instagram,
The four phases of Digital Marketing are Planning,
Conversation, Content, and Sequels.
The main difference between digital and traditional marketing
is the medium through which an audience encounters a
marketing message.

Of course traditional marketing doesn’t mean it’s old

fashioned. Traditional marketing still plays an important role
in people’s lives with the ever growing need to step out of
the digital world.

Digital marketing uses every touch point of your daily use of

the internet to reach you.
Hoarding Marketing

We see hoardings every single day. They fade into the

background on our morning commute. They serve as the
backdrop to our lunch time walks.
A hoarding is defined as a
temporary boarded fence in a
public place, usually erected
around a building site.
Magazine advertising is one of the
most powerful marketing tools
available, and an ad placed in a
magazine can improve sales
enormously. Major corporations who
advertise in magazines nearly
always have an influence on the
content in the magazine, and this
editorial power has to be weighed
up when deciding on the advertising
and the money involved.
They can stipulate where they
would like the ad, what type of
content should be placed next
to it, and even what should not
be in the magazine in which
they are placing the ad.
Broadcost Advertising or TV/Radio
Broadcast advertising is radio, television, and Internet
The broadcast media like radio and television reaches a wider
audience as opposed to the print media. The radio and television
commercials fall under the category of mass marketing as the
national as well as global audience can be reached through it.

The role of broadcast advertising is to persuade consumers about

the benefits of the product. It is considered as a very effective
medium of advertising. The cost of advertising on this channel
depends on the time of the commercial and the specific time at
which it is aired. For example, the cost of an ad in the premium
slot will be greater than in any other slot.
Print Media
This print media attracts a wide range of readers. They include
individuals with different interests such as sports, business,
entertainment, fashion, politics, local and international news.

Promoters still use print media to influence consumer habits on

selected brands and services because it offers longevity.
Consumers will likely read a good brochure more than once, but
readers of electronic media discard or reject ads quickly once
Types of digital marketing

 Pay per Click(PPC)

 Email marketing
 Content marketing
 Mobil marketing
 Electronica billboard
 Viral marketing
 Influencer marketing
 Affiliate marketing
Pay per click
 PPC stands for pay-per-click, a
model of internet marketing in
which advertisers pay a fee each
time one of their ads is clicked.
Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits
to your site, rather than attempting
to “earn” those visits organically.
 Search engine advertising is one of
the most popular forms of PPC. It
allows advertisers to bid for ad
placement in a search engine’s
sponsored links when someone
searches on a keyword that is
related to their business offering.
For example, if we bid on the
keyword “PPC software,” our ad
might show up in the very top spot
on the Google results page.
What is google Ads?

Google Ads is the single most popular PPC advertising system in the world. The Ads platform enables
businesses to create ads that appear on Google’s search engine and other Google properties.
Google Ads operates on a pay-per-click model, in which users bid on keywords and pay for each click on
their advertisements. Every time a search is initiated, Google digs into the pool of Ads advertisers and
chooses a set of winners to appear in the valuable ad space on its search results page. The “winners” are
chosen based on a combination of factors, including the quality and relevance of their keywords and ad
campaigns, as well as the size of their keyword bids.
 Email marketing
 Welcome email series-When a customer first interacts with a
company, the business will typically send an automated series of
emails explaining more about the organisation and its product.
 Email newsletters-: Newsletters are general emails sent out on a
regular basis. They will typically contain company updates and
links to blog content or other material the recipient may find
 Email reminders-Businesses send email reminders to customers
who haven’t finished a task they started. If someone looked at a
product on an eCommerce store but didn’t buy, the store can
send an email reminding them to complete the transaction.
 Promotional emails: Email marketers can use promotional emails
to inform existing or potential customers about special offers,
seasonal deals, or other sales promotions.
 Content marketing

Content marketing is a go-to tactic that’s proven to work. Also, it

provides a competitive advantage. Take a look at what the data says
about content marketing:
Businesses with blogs get 67% more leads than other companies.
Forty-seven percent of buyers view 3 to 5 pieces of content before
engaging with a sales representative.
Companies that use content marketing see approximately 30% higher
growth rates than businesses not using it.
Seventy-two percent of business to business (B2B) marketers say
content marketing increases engagement and the number of leads
they generate.

Content marketing is the development and

distribution of relevant, useful content—blogs,
newsletters, white papers, social media posts,
emails, videos, and the like—to current and
potential customers. When it’s done right, this
content conveys expertise and makes it clear
that a company values the people to whom it
Mobil marketing

Mobile marketing refers to the variety

of ways that marketers can
communicate with consumers through
channels they can access on their
smartphones. This includes:
 Text messages
 Push notification
 In-app messaging
 Mobile inbox
 Email marketing

Mobile marketing is a multi-channel, digital marketing strategy aimed at reaching a target

audience on their smartphones, tablets, and/or other mobile devices, via websites, email,
SMS and MMS, social media, and apps. In recent years, customers have started to shift their
attention (and dollars) to mobile. Because of this, marketers are doing the same in order to
create true omnichannel engagement. As technology becomes more fragmented, so does
marketing. And in order to earn and maintain the attention of potential buyers, content must
be strategic and highly personalized.
 Electronica billboard

Electronic billboards are high-tech

versions of the traditional billboards
that are often found along highways
and major thoroughfares within some
cities. The main function of this type
of billboard is to advertise goods and
services, or provide announcements or
promotions to the general public. A
single electronic billboard may offer a
rotating selection of ads for a single  Digital Billboards can update in real time
entity, or be used to display  The same digital billboard can display two
advertising for multiple companies on entirely different advertisements just
a rotating basis. minutes apart from one another
 Digital billboard can convey a sense of
 Digital billboards can engage with
customers on a grande scale
 The world is moving quickly and billboards
need to keep up with the change of pace
 Viral marketing
Social media has significantly increased the
power and potential of word-of-mouth and
buzz marketing as revenue drivers for the
business. In the past, word-of-mouth
advertising happened in the context of
private conversations between family and
friends, and buzz marketing relied on low-
velocity communication methods like
newspapers to get the word out on any
major scale. Today, word-of-mouth
marketing happens through
digital marketing channels where users
engage with marketing content and share it
on their social platforms. A single share on
social media can reach hundreds, thousands
or even millions of people at the touch of a
button. Social sharing is a twenty-first-
century version of word-of-mouth – except it
can be thousands of times more effective.
 A theory known as the STEPPS model describes six factors
that help a message go viral
 Social currency
 Triggers
 Emotions
 Public
 Practical value
 Influencer marketing

Influencer Marketing Statistics

Influencer marketing has grown to $13.8 billion in
Businesses are making $5.78 ROI for every $1 spent on
influencer marketing.
There has been a 465% increase in searches for the
phrase "influencer marketing" on Google alone since
90% of survey respondents believe influencer marketing
to be an effective form of marketing.
67% of brands use Instagram for influencer marketing.
1360 Influencer marketing focused platforms and
agencies entered the market in the last 5 years alone.
See all stats in our latest Benchmark Report

Carefully consider your approach to

influencer marketing
Be organized, put together a strategy,
plan, and budget, spend time on research
Decide on your approach to finding
influencers – find them organically,
subscribe to a platform, or work through an
Be patient and be human – people talking
to people, not companies talking to
Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is when you earn a commission for

the online promotion of another company’s product
or service. Essentially, affiliates perform online
marketing on behalf of a merchant, with the ultimate
goal of driving traffic and conversions for the
merchant’s website. For every click or conversion
earned, the affiliate is paid by the merchant
How does affiliate marketing work?
Generally speaking, affiliate marketers host websites
where they advertise offers on behalf of businesses
and brands in various ways, like blogs, videos,
reviews, ads, product links and more. Affiliates
receive payment on a pre-defined basis, usually when
a customer clicks on the link (hence, Pay-Per-Click),
but sometimes only when the customer actually buys
the product (CPA, or Cost-Per-Acquisition).

Here’s how affiliate marketing works, in a nutshell:

Step 1: Choose a niche
Step 2: Join an affiliate program
Step 3: Promote products & offers
Step 4: Track & optimize conversions
Step 5: Receive commissions

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