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Department of Biomedical Engineering

Smart Asthma Control

Members ID No
1. Abdi Diriba……………………………………….0016/12
2. Henok Beshi…………………......…….………1115/12
3. Obed Jenberu……………............…..……..1660/12
4. Seid Abdu………………………………………..1798/12
• Introduction
• Problem Statement
• Objective
• Methods
• Material
• Simulation
• Result
• Conclusion
• Asthma is a chronic lung disease that cannot be cured, but its
symptoms and acute exacerbations can be controlled.
• Asthma treatment focuses on improving overall lung function,
reducing daily symptoms and preventing acute asthma attacks
• Smart asthma control is a sensor integrated device designed to help
people cope with asthma by: - sends alerts to patient
- uploading data on Thingspeak
Problem statement
1. Many asthma patients fail to adhere to medication regimen, either
due to forgetfulness or a lack of understanding about their conditions
2. Environmental triggers such as pollution, pollen, and dust can also
trigger asthma attacks
• This highlights the need for a smart asthma control device that can
monitor environmental triggers in real-time and alert the user when
certain parameters are detected so that they can take proactive
measures to avoid an asthma attack
General Objective
• Smart asthma control is a sensor integrated device designed to help
people cope with asthma by promote self-management and increase
medication adherence and asthma control
Specific Objectives
• Use different sensors to collect data from the environment
• Write Arduino code that takes input from the sensors and notifies
users to use the inhaler if set parameters are exceeded
• Write Arduino code that takes input from the sensors and uploads the
data on a cloud platform(Thingspeak)
• Integrate codes into larger code that performs both the above
Significance of the study
• Patients can monitor their symptoms and adjust their medication
accordingly, reducing the risk of exacerbations and hospitalizations
• Healthcare providers can use the data collected from smart asthma
control devices to make informed decisions about treatment plans
and adjust them as needed

Block diagram
General System Description
• An IOT based approach has been implemented to design a device to
help monitor asthma patients.
• Smart asthma control is one such device which uses various low cost
sensors, SMS text for notifying the patients, and the patient’s data is
made available on the cloud platform, Thingspeak for doctors to
further draw conclusions from the data available and personalize the
treatment of an asthma patient
Materials used
• LM35 temperature sensor
• DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor
• MQ-135 gas sensor
• Heartbeat Sensor
• Arduino UNO
• GSM Module
• Wi-Fi Module (ESP8266)
Practical circuit
Simulation on Proteus
Simulation on Proteus(heartbeat < 40)
Simulation on Proteus(heartbeat > 40)
Practical result(all values within set range)
Practical result(Gas concentration out of range)
Practical result(Humidity or temperature out of range)
Sensors values uploaded on Thingspeak
Sending SMS via GSM module
Sending SMS via GSM module
• In conclusion, we have implemented a smart asthma control system
using Arduino.
• The system incorporates an LM35 temperature sensor, MQ-135 gas
sensor, and DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor to monitor the
environment and provide real-time feedback.
• Originally, we intended to use a Telegram bot for communication, but
due to compatibility issues between the Arduino's WiFi library and
Telegram library, we opted to use SMS instead. This decision allowed
us to still receive important notifications and alerts directly to our
mobile devices.

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