PP Literaure Vioooole

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Can the old traditional stories and more modern

ones teach us how to become better human

beings? Can reading teach us how to be happy?

 Yes, both old traditional stories and more modern ones can teach us valuable
lessons and influence us to become better humans and see life differently.

 These stories often have a moral message and teach important values that have
the power to change our attitudes and actions.

 Being a better human can lead to us having loving relationships with family and
friends, who can make our life better and happier.

 By reading, we learn how to be empathic and honest.

The first agreement: Be impecable with
your word
 Words are a powerful tool, as they can express and create beauty, love, or

 Your word can change lives or destroy them, creating and casting spells on others,
truth is the only way of breaking them.

 Impeccability means being without sin, so being impeccable means not using the
word against yourself.

 Gossip is a form of black magic, spreading poison and negativity

 The text highlights the importance of using your words wisely, avoiding gossip and
negativity, and caring for personal freedom and happiness with your words.
How is this agreement shown in the stories
we read?
The curious incident of the dog in the night
Othello time
  Christopher: his actions and behaviors align
Othello: Initially follows the agreement.
with the agreement in some ways, as he tends
 Desdemona: She follows the agreement. She is to be straightforward and honest, but still say
respectful and honest in her communication. white lies.
 Christopher’s mum: She follows the agreement
 Iago: He disrespects it. Using manipulative
up to a certain extent
language, showing jealousy.
 Ed: fails to follow the agreement. He kept
 Emilia: initially she doesn't follow the information and tells lies to protect
agreement. Later she reveal’s Iago’s Christopher.
manipulation.  Siobhan: She does follow the agreement
 Brabantio: He initially doesn't follow the  Mrs. Alexander: doesn't follow the agreement.
agreement. He doesn't fully change Gossips with a teen.
 Mr. Shears: doesn’t follow the agreement
 Mrs. Shears: doesn’t follow the agreement
Each of our reflexions
 Flor: What I have learnt from the 1 agreement is that what you say to others is a reflection of how you
feel about yourself, and your words have a big effect on others. The second agreement taught me that
since words can be misinterpreted or misunderstood, we shouldn’t take anything everything
personally. This only creates problems between people. The third agreement taught me that you
shouldn’t make assumptions because that only leads to messes and sometimes people can manipulate
you. The 4 agreement made me realize to not worry about the future or past.

 Viole: I've learned that the 1st agreement emphasizes the importance of being a good person for both
myself and others, highlighting the impact of our words and tone on communication. The second
agreement thought me to not take things personally due to the potential for misinterpretation. The
third agreement warned me against making assumptions, which can lead to conflicts and emotional
distress. Finally, The fourth agreement made me realize to start living in the present, free from
judgment and victimization.

 Tessa: How to be a better person, not just for the others but also for myself. How words could affect
your relation with others. Avoid lying and/or using words that can hurt the feelings of those who
around you. People tend to say things with no intention to hurt anyone, but if you take it personally,
you are going to harm yourself. You are not supposed to be optimist all the time, but this could be
harmful for you, by taking it personal. Always do your best, to surpass you every day.

 Dante:
Do you think, that if we all tried to live according to the teachings of the
agreements, we could lead a happier life?

 According to our agreement, if we watch what we say, and how we say it, we can break
all the spells we create in others and in ourselves.

 If everyone stops assuming, and there is no misunderstanding of words, there will be

almost no insecurities.

 If we follow the fourth agreement, we wont be mad at ourselves when we aren’t 100% all
the time.

 By following these four agreements, we will be happy with our lives and ourselves, and
we will transmit this happiness leading to everyone being happy all of the time.

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