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Annisa Difa Tiffani

Gastritis is a condition that inflames the stomach
lining (the mucosa), causing belly pain, indigestion
(dyspepsia), bloating and nausea. It can lead to
other problems. Gastritis can come on suddenly
(acute) or gradually (chronic). Medications and
dietary changes can reduce stomach acid and ease
gastritis symptoms.
Area of Pain
A person with gastritis might not experience
any symptoms. However, when symptoms
do occur, they typically include abdominal

People with gastritis typically report that

their abdominal pain occurs in the upper
center of the abdomen. They often also
report pain in the upper-left portion of the
stomach that radiates to the back.
Kind of Pain
The pain can be described as
gnawing, sharp, stabbing, or
Level of Pain

Gastritis pain ranges from mild to severe pain, for

chronic it can to the very severe pain.
Loss of appetite Pain in the upper Nausea or indigestion
abdomen just under the

Hiccups Vomiting Weight loss.

How to Cure/Solves

• Identifying the cause

• Dietary modifications

• Medication

• Lifestyle changes
• Managing stress.

• Avoiding eating spicy foods.

• Limiting caffeine consumption.

• Eating smaller meals throughout the day.

• Not lying down for 2 to 3 hours after a meal.

1. Suddenly : tiba-tiba 11. Stabbing : menusuk
2. Gradually : perlahan-lahan 12. Burning : terbakar
3. Lining : lapisan 13. Appetite : nafsu makan
4. Indigestion : gangguan 14. Hiccups : cegukan
pencernaan 15. Vomiting : muntah
5. Bloating : kembung 16. Identifying : mengidentifikasi
6. Occur : terjadi 17. Medication : pengobatan
7. Upper : atas 18. Avoiding : menghindari
8. Portion : bagian 19. Throughout : selama
9. Gnawing : perih sekali 20. Lying down : berbaring
10. Sharp : tajam

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