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Different Literature Theories and Modern

Criticism Schools of Thoughts

Formalism and New Criticism

What is Formalism ?
Formalism and New Criticism are literary
theories that focus on the close analysis of a
text itself, rather than considering external
factors like the author's biography or
historical context.
Formalism emphasizes the form, structure,
and linguistic aspects of a literary work. It
seeks to understand how a text's elements (e.g.,
language, plot, character, symbolism) function
within the work itself.
** Proponents **

Russian Formalists like Viktor Shklovsky

and Roman Jakobson made significant
contributions to this theory.

• In formalism , the one that being examined

is the text itself. It's form and structure.
Formalist critics believe that the meaning
of literary work is embodied within it's
formal elements such as plot, character,
point of view, and narrative style.
** Method **

Formalists examine the text's language,

style, and literary devices to uncover its
meaning and aesthetic qualities. They
often pay attention to patterns, symbols,
and recurring motifs.
Let's evaluate and criticise!
The old Pond by Matsuo Bashō

• Composes of three lines

• 5-7-5 ruler
• AAB - rhyming scheme
New Criticism
What is New Criticism ?

New Criticism is a school of thought that

emerged in the early to mid-20th century. It
promotes the "close reading" of a text,
treating it as an autonomous work of art, and
avoiding extrinsic factors.
New Criticism was a dominant trend in English and
American literary criticism.

• It was first known as formalism.

** Proponents **

Prominent New Critics include Cleanth Brooks, John

Crowe Ransom, and W.K. Wimsatt.
New Critics believed that themeaning of the
literary work is contained within the text itself,
and the external factors such as the intention of the
author, their biographical information, and
historical and social context should not be
considered when interpreting a text.
** Method **

New Critics focus on the text's

internal coherence and unity. They
examine elements such as irony,
ambiguity, paradox, and tension to
interpret the text's meaning.
Prepared by : Venjie Ann Alpetche
Maria Dhe C. Bihag

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