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Parts of Speech : Form - .

An Introduction

In this presentation, I'm going to write about •

the first part of speech which is " Noun" from
the point of view of the morphological
.derivation and inflection ways

A part of speech is a term used in grammar •

for one of the eight main categories into
which words are classified according to their
functions in sentences, such as nouns or
verbs. Also known as word classes, these are
the building blocks of grammar
Types • Noun • Verb • Adjective • .3

Adverb • Conjunction • Preposition •

.Interjunction • Pronoun
Noun .4
A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, •
or idea such as college, house, happiness .
Nouns are often preceded by an article (the, a,
an), but not always. Proper nouns always start
with a capital letter . Nouns can be singular or
plural. Noun can take different roles within a
sentence; Noun can be a subject, direct
object, indirect object, subject complement,
.or object of a preposition
Ways of identification .5

There are two ways to identify nouns as •

nouns : their inflectional morphemes and their
derivational morphemes. The inflectional
morphemes are { -s pl } plural and { - s ps }
possessive . Ex. The authors seem tired. Ex.
.Mother’s cake is so good
The derivational morphemes ( suffixes ) can .6 •
be added to verbs , adjectives , nouns ,
adverbs to form ( derive ) nouns . For
example , - The quality is pure. The quality is
purity. adjective noun
Derivational suffixes .7

Derivational suffix Source derived noun - ance •

Accept v. Acceptance - ment Achieve v. Achievement
- tion Deceive v. deception - ure Depart v. Departure -
ity Deform v. Deformity - ing Paint v. Painting - ness
Big adj. bigness - ism Ideal adj. Idealism - th True adj.
Truth - ship Friend n. Friend ship - dom King n.

Thus, I've discussed the first part of speech in •

the two morphological derivation and
inflection. It's clear that a noun can be used in
the two ways , the form and its class to
.employ the meaning successfully
:Done by


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