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february 2022

mental health

Why Experts Are Calling Depression a Global

Health Crisis Right Now

“It is crucial that we put into They explained that depression is a

It’s a global crisis practice,evidence-based,interventions that complex condition with different signs,
The experts on the commission stressed support parenting, reduce violence in the symptoms, severity levels, and duration.
that to lower rates of depression, we need family, and bullying at school, as well “No two individuals share the exact life
society-wide strategies that reduce [as] promoting mental health at work and story and constitution, which ultimately
exposure to adverse experiences (like addressing loneliness in older adults,” co- leads to a unique experience of
neglect and trauma) beginning in author Dr. Lakshmi Vijayakumar said in a depression and different needs for help,
childhood. statement. support, and treatment,” Commission Co-
Recommendations also include focusing The commission authors said the current Chair Professor Vikram Patel from
on lifestyle factors such as smoking and system, which classifies people into two Harvard Medical School said in the
alcohol use, and risk factors like domestic categories — either you have clinical statement.
violence, financial problems, or losing a depression or do not — is too simplistic.
loved one.
february NEWSPAPER 2022
mental health

Depression is not the same as being unhappy

“Depression, on the other hand, is a serious mental

health disorder that interferes with your daily
functioning by affecting how you think, feel, and act,”

A person may have

depression if they have
symptoms that last for longer
than 2 weeks. Symptoms of
depression can vary from
person to person, but include:

feelings of sadness, guilt, and


a loss of interest in activities

you once enjoyed

Depression can impair your ability to
work and socialize irritability, especially in men

“What distinguishes MDD from “Someone with clinical depression emotions that feel “out of
simply feeling unhappy or dissatisfied will often be unable to complete these control”
is the presence of significant aspects of their daily lives with the
impairment in one or more important same effectiveness or to the same
areas of functioning,” said Paul standard.” Poulakos said depression difficulty falling sleeping,
Poulakos, MD, a board certified can affect health in many ways, some
psychiatrist in Greenwich Village, severe. “Depression has been
staying asleep, or sleeping
New York. associated with increased incidence of too much
He emphasized that there’s a myocardial infarction (heart attacks)
difference that to between and exacerbation of cardiovascular
dissatisfaction with your boss or job disease,” he said. “Depression is thoughts of suicide
and persistent depressive symptoms associated with elevated risk of stroke
that affect your performance. and hypertension (high blood
“Someone that is feeling unhappy may pressure).”
still be able to get themselves to go to
a particular social event or complete
their work tasks effectively,” he said.
february NEWSPAPER 2022
mental health

Depression was a leading

cause of disability even
before the pandemic A personalized approach to treatment is
Espinola said that depression was a
widespread problem even before the
COVID-19 pandemic.
“In 2017, the World Health Organization
identified depression as the leading
cause of disability around the world,”
she said. “COVID worsened this
problem due to economic hardship,
social isolation, grief, uncertainty, and
lack of access of treatment.”
Poulakos pointed out that regulations
established to protect us from COVID-
19, like social distancing and limiting the
size of gatherings, have had a big impact. It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its
layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed
“And in some cases have amplified the to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages
incidence, duration, and severity of and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will
depression,” he said. uncover many websites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by
accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
Poulakos emphasized the importance of
destigmatizing mental health:
“Especially in the U.S., we have become
used to separating physical from mental
He said that this practice is “arguably
perpetuated by insurance companies”
that have relentlessly reimbursed less for highlighting the health, social, and
psychiatric care than other medical
economic impacts of depression,” she
conditions. continued.
“Despite laws that have been established She said the authors “brilliantly” assert Depression is a mood disorder
making this illegal,” he added.Poulakos the importance of addressing stigma, accompanied by emotional and physical
said there must be more pressure placed social determinants of health, trauma, symptoms that interfere with your daily
on insurance companies and more income inequality, gender inequities, and life. It’s estimated that 16 million U.S.
resources put in place to ensure mental all forms of discrimination.“They offer adults experienced depression in the past
health isn’t valued any less than physical hope by bringing attention to multiple year alone.
health.“We need to approach the crisis cost-effective ways to prevent and treat Everyone experiences depression
with the fervor it warrants on all fronts,” depression,” said Espinola. “The message differently. Some people experience
he said. is clear, we all can and should play a role significant increases in their depression
in ending the current global mental health symptoms at night. They may experience
The new Commission offers crisis, and the time to act is now.” more symptoms, or their symptoms may
increase in severity. Nighttime depression
hope can also create or worsen insomnia, by
The bottom line keeping you awake longer or making it
“This article offers an impressive call to The Lancet-World Psychiatric more difficult to fall asleep.
action that outlines the steps that we Association Commission on depression
need to take to tackle the current global states that depression is a global health Everyone experiences depression
mental health crisis,” said Espinola. “It crisis.The Commission outlined the steps differently. Some people experience
emphasizes the gravity of the problem by needed to confront this crisis, as experts significant increases in their depression
highlight warn that mental health care that is symptoms at night. They may experience
significantly underfunded.Experts also more symptoms, or their symptoms may
say there are many effective treatment increase in severity. Nighttime depression
options, including antidepressant can also create or worsen insomnia, by
medications and behavioral therapy. keeping you awake longer or making it
more difficult to fall asleep.
february NEWSPAPER 2022
mental health

Perimenopause and Depression

What is perimenopausal Women with the greatest frequency of hot
flashes reported the most significant
● a lack of interest in once-enjoyable

depression? depressive symptoms. Other women at a

higher risk for depression include those
● feelings of worthlessness,
Perimenopause is the transition that who:
hopelessness, or helplessness
females go through prior to menopause.It
causes abnormal menstrual periods, ● haven’t given birth
erratic fluctuations in hormone levels, ● have taken antidepressant Other symptoms related to
and insomnia. For many people, it also
medications perimenopausal depression may include:
causes unpleasant hot flashes.Several
studies have linked perimenopause to
depression, as well as worsening of
existing depressive symptoms.In a pair of Signs and symptoms of ● mood swings
● irritability
older studies from the early 2000s,
published in the Archives of General
perimenopausal ● crying for no reason or tearfulness
Psychiatry, researchers found that depression ● heightened anxiety
perimenopausal women were twice as
likely to be diagnosed with major ● profound despair
MDD is a serious condition that can be
depressive disorder (MDD) as those who ● sleep problems related to hot
managed with treatment. Whether
hadn’t yet entered this hormonal
experienced during perimenopause or at flashes or night sweats
transition.The studies also found that
any other point in your life, the symptoms
perimenopausal women were four times
of the disorder may include:fatigue and
as likely to develop depressive symptoms Some studies show that fluctuating levels
lack of energy
as women who hadn’t gone through of the female hormone estradiol are one
perimenopause. predictor of depression.
● slowed cognitive function
● inattentiveness

More People Want Mental Health Treatment,

But There Aren’t Enough Therapists

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of
using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it
look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text,
and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many websites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years,
sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

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