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Digital Logic Design

Examples of K-MAP
***Question 01
You have to design a combinational circuit that will take a 4-bit binary number as
input. Output 1, if the input is even but not divisible by 3. For example,
Input 0100: Output 1 (Even number)
Input 0101: Output 0 (Odd number)
Input 0110: Output 0 (Even number but divisible by 3)
i) Find the simplified expression for SOP form
ii) Draw the circuit diagram
***Question 01
You have to design a combinational circuit that will take a 4-bit binary number as
input. Output 1, if the input is even but not divisible by 3. For example,
Input 0100: Output 1 (Even number) 0100=4
Input 0101: Output 0 (Odd number) 0101=5
Input 0110: Output 0 (Even number but divisible by 3)
i) Find the simplified expression for SOP form
ii) Draw the circuit diagram

0 1 0000 8 1 1000

1 0 0001 9 0 1001

2 1 0010 10 1 1010

3 0 0011 11 0 1011

4 1 0100 12 0 1100

5 0 0101 13 0 1101

6 0 0110 14 1 1110

7 0 0111 15 0 1111
Solution (k-Map)

CD 00 01 11 10
AB 00 1 0 0 1

01 1 0 0 0

11 0 0 0 1

10 1 0 0 1
***Question 02
You have to design a combinational circuit that will take a 4-bit binary number as
input. Output 1, if the input contains at least two zero. For example,
Input 0000: Output 1 (4 zeros)
Input 0101: Output 1 (2 zeros)
Input 0111: Output 0 (Less than two zeros)
i) Find the simplified expression for SOP form
ii) Draw the circuit diagram

0 1 0000 8 1 1000

1 1 0001 9 1 1001

2 1 0010 10 1 1010

3 1 0011 11 0 1011

4 1 0100 12 1 1100

5 1 0101 13 0 1101

6 1 0110 14 0 1110

7 0 0111 15 0 1111
***Question 03
You have to design a digital circuit that will take two 2-bit binary numbers as input
and produce a single bit output. The output is 0 if the difference between the
numbers is even and 1 if the difference is odd.
For example
1.If the given numbers are "00" and "11" the output will be 1
2.If inputs are "00" and "10" the output will be o.
Find the expression for the output and draw a logic diagram.
***Question 03
You have to design a digital circuit that will take two 2-bit binary numbers as input
and produce a single bit output. The output is 0 if the difference between the
numbers is even and 1 if the difference is odd.
For example
1.If the given numbers are "00" and "11" the output will be 1
2.If inputs are "00" and "10" the output will be o.
Find the expression for the output and draw a logic diagram.
Solution (k-Map)

CD 00 01 11 10

AB 00 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Difference even=0
Solution (k-Map)

0 1 3 2
CD 00 01 11 10

AB 0 00 X 1 1 0

1 X 0 1
1 01
1 0 X 1
3 11
0 1 1 X
2 10

Difference even=0
Now Solve The K-Map & Find Other
(Follow previous slides)
Thank You

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